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2023-2023, Korea-Arctic Ocean Warming and Response of Ecosystem (23-23) / Yang, Eun Jin

Project Code
Project Name (Other)
북극해 온난화-해양생태계 변화 감시 및 미래전망 연구
Principal Investigator
Yang, Eun Jin
Proejct Period

Browse "2023-2023, Korea-Arctic Ocean Warming and Response of Ecosystem (23-23) / Yang, Eun Jin" by Author C.J. Ashjian

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  • 1 Article The Pacific Water flow branches in the eastern Chukchi Sea

    동척치해에서의 태평양수 분기류


    R.S. Pickart; P. Lin; F. Bahr; L.T. McRaven; J. Huang; A. Pacini; K.R. Arrigo; C.J. Ashjian; C. Berchok; M.F. Baumgartner; Cho, Kyoung-Ho; L.W. Cooper; S. Danielson; D. Dasher; A. Fuiwara; J. Gann; J.M. Grebmeier; J. He; T. Hirawake; M. Itoh; L. Juranek; T. Kikuchi; G.W.K. Moore; J. Napp; R.J. Nelson; S. Nishino; H. Statscewich; P. Stabeno; K.M. Stafford; H. Ueno; S. Vagle; T.J. Weingartner; B. Williams; S. Zimmermann

