2022-2023, Land-Ice/Ocean Network Exploration with Semiautonomous Systems: Thwaites Glacier (LIONESS/TG) - Toward understanding the fate of the Thwaites Glacier by abrupt collapse and its impact on global sea level changes - (22-23) / Lee, Won Sang
- Project Code
- PM22020
- Project Name (Other)
- Land-Ice/Ocean Network Exploration with Semiautonomous Systems: Thwaites Glacier (LIONESS/TG) - Toward understanding the fate of the Thwaites Glacier by abrupt collapse and its impact on global sea level changes
- Principal Investigator
- Lee, Won Sang
- Proejct Period
- 2022-2023
Browse "2022-2023, Land-Ice/Ocean Network Exploration with Semiautonomous Systems: Thwaites Glacier (LIONESS/TG) - Toward understanding the fate of the Thwaites Glacier by abrupt collapse and its impact on global sea level changes - (22-23) / Lee, Won Sang" by Author 187
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
- 1
Large-eddy simulations of the ice-shelf?ocean boundary layer near the ice front of Nansen Ice Shelf, Antarctica
큰에디모사를 통한 남극 난센 빙붕 끝단 주변 빙붕-해양 경계층 연구
나지성; 김태균; Jin, Emilia Kyung; 윤승태; Lee, Won Sang; Yun, Sukyoung; Lee, Jiyeon
- 2
Observations of submesoscale eddy-driven heat transport at an ice shelf calving front
빙붕 끝 부분에서 일어나는 소규모 소용돌이에 의한 해양 열전달 관측
Drew M. Friedrichs; Jasmin B. T. McInerney; Holly J. Oldroyd; Lee, Won Sang; Yun, Sukyoung; Seung-Tae Yoon; Craig L. Stevens; Christopher J. Zappa; Christine F. Dow; Derek Mueller; Oscar Sepulveda Steiner; Alexander L. Forrest
- 3
Numerical Simulation of Ocean - Ice Shelf Interaction: Water Mass Circulation in the Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica
해양-빙붕 상호작용을 고려한 남극 테라노바 만에서 수괴 형성과 순환의 수치 시뮬레이션
김태균; Jin, Emilia Kyung; 나지성; Lee, Choon-Ki; Lee, Won Sang; 문재홍
- 4
Remote Influences of ENSO and IOD on the Interannual Variability of the West Antarctic Sea Ice
서남극 해빙의 연간 변동성에 대한 ENSO와 IOD의 원격 영향
Kim Jihae; Kang Daehyun; Lee Myong-In; Jin, Emilia Kyung; Kug Jong-Seong; Lee, Won Sang
- 5
Research report
Land-Ice/Ocean Network Exploration with Semiautonomous Systems: Thwaites Glacier (LIONESS/TG)
서남극 스웨이트 빙하 돌발붕괴의 기작규명 및 해수면 상승 영향 연구