2011-2011, Reconstruction and Observation of Components for the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) to Investigate the Cause of Climate Change at West Antarctica (11-11) / Kim, Seong-Joong
- Project Code
- PE11010
- Project Name (Other)
- 서남극 기후변화 원인 규명을 위한 남극진동 (SAM) 구성 요소 재현 및 관측 연구
- Principal Investigator
- Kim, Seong-Joong
- Proejct Period
- 2011-2011
Link to raw and metadata information
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- 1
Trend of Sea Surface Temperature Change near the Korean Peninsula since Industrialization
지난 130년 간 한반도 근해의 표층 수온 변화 경향
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Trends in Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Change Near the Korean Peninsula
for the Past 130 Years
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Kim, Seong-Joong; Woo, Sung-Ho; Hur, Soon Do; Kim, Baek-Min
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