2012-2015, Study on the NO3- recycling of the snow-atmosphere system at KGI, antarctica (12-15) / Hong, Sang-Bum
- Project Code
- PE12200; PE13090; PE14160
- Project Name (Other)
- 세종기지 월동 연구를 통한 킹조지섬 주변 눈과 대기시스템의 NO3- 상호 교환 기작 규명에 관한 연구
- Principal Investigator
- Hong, Sang-Bum
- Proejct Period
- 2012-2015
Link to raw and metadata information
Browse "2012-2015, Study on the NO3- recycling of the snow-atmosphere system at KGI, antarctica (12-15) / Hong, Sang-Bum" by Author J. Crawford
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