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High abundance of protein-like fluorescence in the Amerasian Basin of Arctic Ocean: Potential implication of a fall phytoplankton bloom

Cited 17 time in wos
Cited 17 time in scopus
High abundance of protein-like fluorescence in the Amerasian Basin of Arctic Ocean: Potential implication of a fall phytoplankton bloom
Other Titles
북극 아메라시아 분지에서 고동노의 단백질 유사 형상물질: 가을 식물성 플랑크톤 번성의 잠재적 의미
Meilian Chen
Hur, Jin
Shin, Kyung-Hoon
Jung, Jinyoung
Hong, Sungwook
Kwon, Young-Joo
Kim, Ji-Hun
Nam, Seung-il
Environmental Sciences & Ecology
Arctic OceanDissolved organic matterEcitation-emission matrixFall phytoplankton bloom
Issue Date
Meilian Chen, et al. 2017. "High abundance of protein-like fluorescence in the Amerasian Basin of Arctic Ocean: Potential implication of a fall phytoplankton bloom". SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 599-600(0): 355-363.
The seawater samples fromthe Chukchi and East Siberian Seaswere collected along a shelf-slope-basin gradient and analyzed for chromophoric and fluorescent DOM(i.e., CDOMand FDOM, respectively). Unexpected high protein- like FDOM (0.35 ± 0.40 and 0.24 ± 0.34 RU for peaks B and T, respectively) levels were identified, which corresponded to 1?2 orders of magnitude higher than those documented by previous reports. This unique phenomenon could be attributed to a fall phytoplankton bloom. The seawater chl-a data, estimated fromin situ fluorescence measurements and satellite remote sensing data, showed the subsurface chl-a maximum of up to 1.52 mg m?3 at ~25?70 m depths and the surface monthly average values (August 2015) up to 0.55 to 0.71 mg m?3, which fall in the range of ~0.5?2.0 mg m?3 during fall phytoplankton blooms in this area. Meanwhile, the depth profile ofDOMparameters revealed subsurfacemaximaof protein-like fluorescence peaks along the shelf-slope gradient. The positive correlations between the protein-like peaks and biological index implied the lateral transport of DOM and nutrients from the shelf to the slope and basin. Despite still being a largely ice-covered environment, potential shifts in the ecosystemappear to make progress in response to changing climate in the Arctic Ocean.
Appears in Collections  
2015-2018, Changes in environments and coastal geomorphology of Svalbard fjords, Arctic (15-18) / Nam, Seung-il (PN15090; PN16090; PN17090)
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