Browse "Paleoclimate" by Type Research report
Showing results 1 to 30 of 67
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Research report
Characteristics of seabird eggshell carbonate and membrance and their relationship with environmental conditions in the Antarctic area
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Research report
Application of cosmogenic nuclides dating to the glacial and paleoclinatological study
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Research report
Paleoenvirmental changes by analysis of Diatom assemblages in core sediments, Antarctica
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Research report
Reconstruction of paleoenvironment based on high-resolution stratigraphic analysis of Late Quaternary sediments in the Chukchi Sea, West Arctic
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Research report
Seawater-derived neodymium isotope records during Holocene : implications for oceanographic circulation
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Research report
The study of biogeochemical alteration of clay mineral in marine and terrigenous sediments distributed in exposure area of glacier, West Antarctica
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Research report
Mineralogy adn biogeochemistry of elemental cycles through rock, microbe, and soils in the Antarctica
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Research report
Application of cosmogenic nuclides dating to the glacial and paleoclinatological study
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Research report
Composition of beach sands of the King George Island and their relationship with environmental conditions in the Antarctic area
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Research report
Application of cosmogenic nuclides dating to the glacial and paleoclimatological study
우주기원 동위원소 연대측정을 이용한 빙하기록 연구
Seong, Yeong Bae
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Research report
Reconstruction of paleoenvironment based on high-resolution stratigraphic analysis of Late Quaternary sediments in the Chukchi Sea, West Arctic
서북극 척치해 주변해역 해저퇴적층의 고해상 층서 분석을 통한 고환경 복원 연구
Yoon, Seok-Hoon
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Research report
Geochemical characterization of methane related-microbial associated with gas hydrate bearing sediments in the Arctic Sea
북극해 가스하이드레이트 부존 퇴적물 내 메탄 관련된 미생물의 생지화학적 특성 연구
Shin, Kyung-Hoon
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Research report
Composition of beach sands of the King George Island and their relationship with environmental conditions in the Antarctic area
빙하노출지역 해빈 모래 퇴적물 조성과 환경 변화 관계 연구
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Research report
The study of biogeochemical alteration of clay mineral in marine and terrigenous sediments distributed in exposure area of glacier, West Antarctica
서남극 빙하노출지역 주변 육상 토양 및 해저퇴적물에 분포하는 점토광물의 생지화학적 변이작용 연구
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Research report
Mineralogy and biogeochemistry of elemental cycles through rock, microbe, and soils in the Antarctica
남극 암석-생물-토양 원소순환의 광물학적 및 생지화학적 연구
Jeong, Gi Young
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Research report
Seawater-derived neodymium isotope records during Holocene : implications for oceanographic circulation
네오디뮴 동위원소 비를 이용한 홀로세 해류순환 추적
Huh, Youngsook
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Research report
paleoenvironmental changes by analysis of Diatom assemblages in core sediments, Antarctica
남극 코어퇴적물에서 고환경 해석을 위한 규조 군집 연구
Bak, young-suk
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Research report
High resolution opal analysis of Antarctic deglacial sediments
남극해 후빙기 퇴적물의 고해상 오팔 분석
Khim, Boo-Keun
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Research report
Effects of Artic Environments on Stability Regions and Physico-chemical Properties of Gas Hydrates
북극 해저 및 영구동토층 환경이 가스 하이드레이트의 안정영역 및 물리화학적 특성에 미치는 영향 분석
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Research report
Reconstruction of paleoenvironment based on high-resolution stratigraphic analysis of Late Quaternary sediments in the Chukchi Sea, West Arctic
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Research report
Seawater-derived neodymium isotope records during Holocene : implications for oceanographic circulation
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Research report
High-resolution analytical study of the Holocene-deglacial sediments in the Antarctic Ocean
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Research report
Application of cosmogenic nuclides dating to the glacial and paleoclinatological study
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Research report
Composition of beach sands of the King George Island and their relationship with environmental conditions in the Antarctic area
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Research report
The study of biogeochemical alteration of clay mineral in marine and terrigenous sediments distributed in exposure area of glacier, West Antarctica
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Research report
Paleoenvironmental research from the Holocene core sediment in the Antarctic, based on diatom assemblage
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Research report
Redox transformation of heavy metal substances in ice phase
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Research report
Planning study for Antarctic paleoceanography/paleoclimate reconstruction
남극권 고해양/고기후 복원을 통한 지구환경 변화 규명 기획 연구
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Research report
Characterization of geomorphologic variability of Kongsfjorden and Isfjorden in Svalbard
스발바르 콩스 및 이스 피오르드 지형 변동성 특성화 연구
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Research report
High-resolution analytical study of the Holocene-deglacial sediments in the Antarctic Ocean
남극해 홀로세-후빙기 퇴적물의 고해상 분석 연구