2018-2018, Modeling responses of terrestrial organisms to environmental changes on King George Island (18-18) / Lee, Hyoungseok
- Project Code
- PE18090
- Project Name (Other)
- 환경변화에 대한 킹조지섬 주요 육상생물의 생물반응 모델링기술 개발
- Principal Investigator
- Lee, Hyoungseok
- Proejct Period
- 2018-2018
Link to raw and metadata information
Browse "2018-2018, Modeling responses of terrestrial organisms to environmental changes on King George Island (18-18) / Lee, Hyoungseok" by Subject King Sejong Station
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
- 1
Passive warming effect on soil microbial community and humic substance degradation in maritime Antarctic region
남극 토양온도 상승이 토양 미생물군집과 부식질 분해능에 미치는 영향 조사
Kim, Dockyu; Park, Ha Ju; Kim, Jung Ho; Youn, Ui Joung; Yang, Yung Hun; Casanova-Katny, Angelica; Munoz Vargas, Cristina; Venegas, Erick Zagal; Park, Hyun; Hong, Soon Gyu
- 2
The Complete Plastome Sequence of an Antarctic Bryophyte Sanionia uncinata (Hedw.) Loeske
남극낫깃털이끼의 엽록체 유전체 분석에 관한 연구
Park, Mira; Lee, Jong Eun; Lee, Byeong-ha; Lee, Hyoungseok; Park, Hyun
- 3
Identification of reference genes for RT-qPCR in the Antarctic moss Sanionia uncinata under abiotic stress conditions
남극이끼의 레퍼런스 유전자 선별
Park, Mira; Lee, Hyoungseok; Lee, Byeong-ha; Park, Hyun; Hong, Soon Gyu
- 4
Morphology and phylogeny of a new species, Uroleptus (Caudiholosticha)antarctica n. sp. (Ciliophora, Hypotricha) from Greenwich Island in Antarctica
남극 그리니치 섬에서 발견된 섬모충류 신종의 보고
Park, Kyung-Min; Min, Gi-Sik; Kim, Sanghee
- 5
Nanopore sequencing reads improve assembly and gene annotation of the Parochlus steinenii genome
남극 곤충 Parochlus steinenii 유전체 지도의 정밀도 향상
Shin, Seung Chul; Kim, Hyun; Lee, Jun Hyuck; Kim, Han-Woo; Park, Joonho; Choi, Beom-Soon; Lee, Sang-Choon; Kim, Ji Hee; Lee, Hyoungseok; Kim, Sanghee