2020-2020, Study on remote sensing for quantitative analysis of changes in the Arctic cryosphere (20-20) / Kim, Hyun-cheol
- Project Code
- PE20080
- Project Name (Other)
- 북극 빙권변화 정량 분석을 위한 원격탐사 연구
- Principal Investigator
- Kim, Hyun-cheol
- Proejct Period
- 2020-2020
Link to raw and metadata information
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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
- 1
Evolution of Backscattering Coefficients of Drifting Multi-Year Sea Ice during End of Melting and Onset of Freeze-up in the Western Beaufort Sea
보퍼트해 다년빙의 결빙시기 영상레이더 후방산란계수 시계열 변화 분석
Kim, Seung Hee; Kim, Hyun-cheol; Hyun, Chang-Uk; Lee, sungjae; Ha, Jung-Seok; Kim, Joo-Hong; Kwon, Young-Joo; Park, Jeong-Won; Jeong-Won, Hyangsun; Jeong, Seong-Yeob; Kim, Duk-jin
- 2
Surface roughness signatures of summer arctic snow-covered sea ice in X-band dual-polarimetric SAR
SAR를 이용한 여름철 북극해 눈덮힌 해빙표면 특성 연구
Han, Hyangsun; Kim, Jae-In; Hyun, Chang-Uk; Kim, Seung Hee; Park, Jeong-Won; Kwon, Young-Joo; Lee, sungjae; Lee, Sanggyun; Kim, Hyun-cheol
- 3
In-situ measurement of the Arctic ocean for optical property analysis during 2019 cruise
북극해 해수 광 특성 분석을 위한 2019 현장 관측 자료 수집
Lee, sungjae; Kim, Hyun-cheol
- 4
Digital surface model generation for drifting Arctic sea ice with low-textured surfaces based on drone images
표면 텍스쳐가 적은 부유 해빙에 대한 드론영상 기반 수치표고모델 생성
Kim, Jae-In; Hyun, Chang-Uk; Han, Hyangsun; Kim, Hyun-cheol