2021-2021, Korea-Arctic Warming and Response of Ecosystem (21-21) / Yang, Eun Jin
- Project Code
- PM21040
- Project Name (Other)
- 북극해 온난화-해양생태계 변화 감시 및 미래전망 연구
- Principal Investigator
- Yang, Eun Jin
- Proejct Period
- 2021-2021
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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
- 1
Effects of Geophony and Anthrophony on the Underwater Acoustic Environment in the East Siberian Sea, Arctic Ocean
인간활동과 자연환경 변화가 북극 동시베리아해 수중음향 환경에 미치는 영향
Han, Dong-Gyun; Joo, Jongmin; Son, Wuju; Cho, Kyoung-Ho; Choi, Jee Woong; Yang, Eun Jin; Kim, Jeong-Hoon; Kang, Sung-Ho; La, Hyoung Sul
- 2
Spatial Patterns of Macromolecular Composition of Phytoplankton in the Arctic Ocean
북극 식물플랑크톤 내 고분자 성분의 공간적 분포 경향
Choe, Keyseok; Yun, Misun; Park, Sanghoon; Yang, EunJin; Jung, Jinyoung; Kang, Jaejoong; Jo, Naeun; Kim, Jaehong; Kim, Jaesoon; Lee, Sang Heon
- 3
Spatial and Temporal Variations of Aragonite Saturation States in the Surface Waters of the Western Arctic Ocean
서북극해 표층 아라고나이트 포화도의 시공간 분포
Kim, D.; Yang, Eun Jin; Cho, S.; Kim, H. -J; Cho, Kyoung-Ho; Jung, Jinyoung; Kang, Sung-Ho
- 4
Biotic and abiotic degradation of suspended particulate lipids along a transect in the Chukchi Sea
척치해 항해 중 부유 입자 지질의 생물학적 및 비생물학적 분해
Rontani, Jean-Francois; Smik, Lukas; Ha, Sun-Yong; Min, Jun-oh; Belt, Simon T.
- 5
Marine Nitrogen Fixation and Phytoplankton Ecology
해양질소고정 및 식물플랑크톤 생태
Lee, Sang Heon; Bhavya, Panthalil S.; Kim, Bo Kyung
- 6
Tight association between microbial eukaryote and giant virus communities in the Arctic Ocean
북극해에서 진핵생물과 바이러스 사이의 상호작용
Xia, Jun; Kameyama, Sohiko; Prodinger, Florian; Yoshida, Takashi; Cho, Kyoung-Ho; Jung, Jinyoung; Kang, Sung-Ho; Yang, Eun-Jin; Ogata, Hiroyuki; Endo, Hisashi
- 7
Ecological Responses of Core Phytoplankton by Latitudinal Differences in the Arctic Ocean in Late Summer Revealed by 18S rDNA Metabarcoding
18S rDNA 메타바코딩을 활용한 늦여름 북극해에 서식하는 중요 식물플랑크톤의 위도별 생태학적 반응
Joo, Hyoung Min; Kim, Kang Eun; Park, Joon Sang; Kim, Hyun-Jung; Yang, Eun Jin; Lee, Taek-Kyun; Cho, Kyoung-Ho; Jung, Jinyoung; Lee, Youngju; Kang, Sung-Ho; Jung, Seung Won
- 8
Spatial Distributions of Riverine and Marine Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Western Arctic Ocean: Results From the 2018 Korean Expedition
서북극해 해역에서의 하천기원과 해양기원 용존 유기탄소화합물의 공간적 분포: 2018년 대한민국 연구항해 결과
Jung, Jinyoung; Lee, Youngju; Cho, Kyoung-Ho; Yang, Eun Jin; Kang, Sung-Ho
- 9
Changes in Arctic Halocline Waters Along the East Siberian Slope and in the Makarov Basin From 2007 to 2020
2007-2020년 간 동시베리아 대륙사면과 마카로브 분지를 따라 흐르는 북극 염분약층수의 변화
Bertosio, Cecilia; Provost, Christine; Athanase, Marylou; Sennechael, Nathalie; Garric, Gilles; Lellouche, Jean-Michel; Kim, Joo-Hong; Cho, Kyoung-Ho; Park, Taewook
- 10
Spatial dynamics of active microeukaryotes along a latitudinal gradient: Diversity, assembly process, and co-occurrence relationships
위도에 따른 소형진핵생물의 공간 분포특성
Xu, Dapeng; Kong, Hejun; Yang, Eun-Jin; Wang, Ying; Li, Xinran; Sun, Ping; Jiao, Nianzhi; Lee, Youngju; Jung, Jinyoung; Cho, Kyoung-Ho