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2021-2021, Research on integrated utilization of biomass for energy and resource: Production of high quality bio-oil via thermochemical process, and development of low-temperature purification technology using (21-21) / Han, Tae Uk

Project Code
Project Name (Other)
에너지화/자원화를 위한 바이오매스의 통합적 활용에 관한 연구: 열화학적전환 공정을 이용한 고품질 바이오오일 생산과 바이오매스(바이오촤)/동결 시스템을 이용한 저온 수질 정화기술 개발
Principal Investigator
Han, Tae Uk
Proejct Period
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2021-2021, Research on integrated utilization of biomass for energy and resource: Production of high quality bio-oil via thermochemical process, and development of low-temperature purification technology using (21-21) / Han, Tae Uk
