2021-2021, Carbon cycle change and ecosystem response under the Southern Ocean warming (21-21) / Park, Jisoo
- Project Code
- PE21110
- Project Name (Other)
- 서남극해 온난화에 따른 탄소흡수력 변동 및 생태계 반응 연구
- Principal Investigator
- Park, Jisoo
- Proejct Period
- 2021-2021
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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
- 1
Trophic niche of seabirds on the Barton Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica
남극 킹조지섬 바톤 반도 서식 조류의 생태 지위 연구
Gal, Jong-Ku; Choi, Bohyung; Kim, Bo Kyung; Jung, Jin-Woo; Min, Jun-Oh; Lee, Won Young; Shin, Kyung-Hoon; Kim, Jeong-Hoon; Ha, Sun-Yong
- 2
Impact of Freshwater Discharge on the Carbon Uptake Rate of Phytoplankton During Summer (January-February 2019) in Marian Cove, King George Island, Antarctica
남극 킹죠지섬 마리안소만의 여름철 담수유입에 따른 식물플랑크톤의 탄소섭취율 변화 연구
Kim, Bo Kyung; Jeon, Misa; Joo, Hyoung Min; Kim, Tae-Wan; Park, Sang-Jong; Park, Jisoo; Ha, Sun-Yong
- 3
Spatial distribution and origin of organic matters in an Arctic fjord system based on lipid biomarkers (n-alkanes and sterols)
북극 피요르드 시스템에서 지질생체지표 기반 유기물의 공간분포 및 기원 연구
Gal, Jong-Ku; Kim, Bo Kyung; Joo, Hyoung Min; Shim, Chorom; Lee, BoYeon; Kim, Il-Nam; Jung, Jinyoung; Shin, Kyung-Hoon; Ha, Sun-Yong