2021-2021, Carbon cycle change and ecosystem response under the Southern Ocean warming (21-21) / Park, Jisoo
- Project Code
- PE21110
- Project Name (Other)
- 서남극해 온난화에 따른 탄소흡수력 변동 및 생태계 반응 연구
- Principal Investigator
- Park, Jisoo
- Proejct Period
- 2021-2021
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Browse "2021-2021, Carbon cycle change and ecosystem response under the Southern Ocean warming (21-21) / Park, Jisoo" by Subject Chemistry
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
- 1
DMS sea-to-air fluxes and their influence on sulfate aerosols over the Southern Ocean, south-east Indian Ocean and north-west Pacific Ocean
남극해, 남동인도양 및 북서태평양에서 황에어로졸에 DMS의 플럭스가 미치는 영향 연구
Zhang, Miming; Marandino, Christa A.; Yan, Jinpei; Lin, Qi; Park, Keyhong; Xu, Guojie
- 2
Tracing Circumpolar Deep Water and glacial meltwater using humic-like fluorescent dissolved organic matter in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica
남극 아문젠 해역에서의 휴믹계 용존 유기물의 형광특성을 이용한 남극순환심층수와 빙하 융빙수의 추적
Jeon, Mi Hae; Jung, Jinyoung; Park, Mi Ok; Aoki, Shigeru; Kim, Tae-Wan; Kim, Seung-Kyu
- 3
The role of the Dotson Ice Shelf and Circumpolar Deep Water as driver and source of dissolved and particulate iron and manganese in the Amundsen Sea polynya, Southern Ocean
남빙양 아문젠 폴리냐에서의 용존 및 입자상 철과 망간의 배출원과 수송자로서의 닷슨 빙붕과 남극순환심층수의 역할
Van Manen, Mathijs; Aoki, Shigeru; Brussaard, Corina P.D.; Conway, Tim M.; Eich, Charlotte; Gerringa, Loes J.A.; Jung, Jinyoung; Kim, Tae-Wan; Lee, SangHoon; Lee, Youngju; Reichart, Gert-Jan; Tian, Hung-An; Wille, Flora; Middag, Rob