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2021-2021, Development of multi-spectral image analysis technique and RAD-seq and metabolites analysis techniques to understand the response of Svalbard plants to climate change (21-21) / Lee, Yoo Kyung

Project Code
Project Name (Other)
기후변화에 따른 스발바르 식물의 대응 이해를 위한 다중분광 영상분석 및 고용량 분자 마커와 대사체 분석 기법 개발
Principal Investigator
Lee, Yoo Kyung
Proejct Period
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2021-2021, Development of multi-spectral image analysis technique and RAD-seq and metabolites analysis techniques to understand the response of Svalbard plants to climate change (21-21) / Lee, Yoo Kyung
