PAP/PIP Program
Browse "PAP/PIP Program" by Type Research report
Showing results 1 to 30 of 62
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Research report
Understanding reaction properties of organic and inorganic compounds in ice and its environmental implications in polar regions
얼음 내 유·무기물의 반응특이성 이해및 극지환경에 미치는 영향 연구
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Research report
Developing gas extraction methods for ice core CH4 analysis and application to multidecadal-scale variability of atmospheric CH4 during the last 500 years
메탄 분석을 위한 빙하코어 기체추출법 개발 및 지난 500년간 대기 메탄의 수십 년 시간 규모의 변동성 연구
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Research report
Continuous measurements of atmospheric DMS in the arctic environment
북극 대기에서 생물기원기후가스 (DMS) 발생메커니즘 규명
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Research report
Isolation of Eco-Functional Microbes Using a Massive High-Throughput Culturing from the Polar Oceans and Studies on the Physiological Genomics
대용량 고효율배양기법을 이용한 극지해양의 생태기능 미생물 배양 및 유전체·생리연구
Cho, Jang Cheon
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Research report
The Arctic marine sedimental microbial diversity monitoring and metatranscriptome study
북극 해양퇴적물내 미생물의 군집 조사 및 metatranscriptome 연구
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Research report
Combined Signal Detection Analysis of Arctic Climate
북극 기후변화의 통합 시그널 탐지
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Research report
Development of quantitative metabolic profiling technology for investigation of environmental-adaptive strategies of polar microorganism
극지 미생물의 환경적응 기작 연구를 위한 정량적 대사체 프로파일링 기술 개발
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Research report
A Study on Three-Dimensional Cloud Properties and Their Radiative Effects in the Arctic
북극지역에서의 3차원 구름 특성 및 복사 효과 연구
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Research report
Variations of stable isotopic composition of snowmelt in King Sejong Station
남극세종기지주변의 융설의 물안정동위원소에 관한 연구
Lee, Jeonghoon
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Research report
Monitoring of the POPs and their alternatives in the Antarctic ecosystem
남극 생태계에서의 POPs 및 대체물질 모니터링
Chang, Yoon-Seok
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Research report
Development of Real time measurement with integration system for measurement of Glaciers, atmosphere, ecosystem.
실시간 빙하·대기·생태계관측을 위한 통합 계측 시스템 개발
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Research report
Observation-based study of ice-ocean boundary layer dynamics using multi-variable ocean data: Summertime measurements in the Chukchi Sea
북극 하계 척치해 주변에서 다중 관측 해양자료를 활용한 해빙-해양 경계층 연구
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Research report
Understanding the environmental fate and transformation of manufactured nanoparticles and halogen species during the freeze-thaw cycle and the implications for polar environment
상용나노입자 및 할로겐 물질의 결빙·해빙 순환에 따른 물리·화학적 변화 및 극지환경 영향 연구
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Research report
A study on the tectonometamorphic evolution of the Neoproterozoic-Paleozoic rocks occurring adjacent to the Jang Bogo Station, Antarctica
남극 장보고 기지 주변에 산출하는 신원생대-고생대 암석들에 대한 변성지체구조적 진화 연구
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Research report
CO2 evasion from the Polar Ice Sheet: Carbon-climate feedback
빙하 융빙수에 의한 탄소배출량 연구
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Research report
Monitoring of the Antarctic ice sheet temperature changes using satellite microwave sensing
위성 마이크로파 관측을 이용한 남극 대륙 빙상온도 변화 모니터링
Sohn, Byung-Ju
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Research report
Evolutionary Time Machine: A case study of sediment core sample from Larsen-C ice shelf in the Antarctica
진화의 타임머신: 남극 Larsen-C 빙붕에서 추출한 퇴적층 샘플에서의 유전자 진화 연구
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Research report
Paleo-sea ice proxy development and validation in the Chuki Sea and the Ross Sea
척치해 및 로스해에서 활용 가능한 고해빙 프록시 개발 및 검증
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Research report
Development of advanced technology for underwater rock drilling and obtaining a rock core in deepsea(1,000M)
심해용(1,000M급) 해저 암반 시추 및 코어 채취 기초 기술 개발
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Research report
Changes in East Asian dust activity and Arctic vegetation in response to Arctic climate change
극지 기후 변화에 따른 북동아시아 황사 활동 및 고위도 식생 변화
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Research report
Understanding the environmental fate and transformation of manufactured nanoparticles and halogen species during the freeze-thaw cycle and the implications for polar environment
상용나노입자 및 할로겐 물질의 결빙-해빙 순환에 따른 물리·화학적 변화 및 극지환경 영향 연구
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Research report
Decomposition of neurodegenerative oligosome usingmicrobial proteases engaged in biofim metabolism of polar microorganisms
극지 미생물유래 분해 효소를 이용한 퇴행성 뇌질환인 파킨슨병의 치료제 개발
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Research report
Future Changes of Phytoplankton over the Arctic under greenhouse warming and their climate feedback
지구온난화에 따른 북극해의 식물성 플랑크톤의 미래 변화 및 기후 피드백 연구
Kug, Jong-Seong
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Research report
Magnetism of Chondrites: Implications for the evlution of Planetesimals
콘드라이트를 이용한 미세소행성의 자화특성 연구
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Research report
Extraction of grounding line of Antarctic ice shelves in high resolution using satellite multisensor data fusion
최신 인공위성 자료의 융복합을 통한 남극 빙붕 고해상도 지반접지선 추출 연구
Kim, Deock Jin
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Research report
Development and application of protist DNA barcode for polar marine host-parasite identification
극지 해양원생생물성 숙주-기생충 식별 DNA 바코드 개발 및 적용
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Research report
Studies on the change in polar marine inorganic carbon cycle in response to sea ice melting and formation
극지 해양의 결빙 및 해빙작용에 의한 해양 무기탄소시스템 변화 연구
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Research report
Study on behavioral characteristics of tardigrade using microfluidic chip
미세유체칩을 활용한 완보동물의 분리기술 연구
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Research report
A Study on the Change of Properties at Cryogenic Temperature by Controlling
Deformation Mechanism of FCC High Entropy Alloy
FCC 하이엔트로피 합금의 변형기구 제어에 따른 극저온 물성 변화에 관한 고찰
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Research report
Understanding the process and impact ofpolar shrub expansionusing the Ecosystem Demography Model
개별기반 지역생태모형(Ecosystem Demography Model) 활용 극지방 관목확장 과정 및 영향 이해