PAP/PIP Program
Browse "PAP/PIP Program" by Issue Date
Showing results 1 to 20 of 93
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Research report
Compensatory mechanisms of Antarctic marine benthic animals in response to climate change
기후변화에 대한 남극 해양 저서동물의 보상기작 연구
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Research report
Research and Development of Remote CollaborationProtocol Based on Extended Reality (XR) for MedicalEmergency and Crisis Response at the Polar Station
남북극기지 의료 응급상황 및 위기대응 관리를 위한 확장현실(XR) 기반 원격협업 프로토콜 연구개발
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Research report
Characterization of fungi in the Antarctic cryosphere and potential implications of their exposure on Antarctic ecosystem due to climate change
빙권 내 진균의 특성 및 기후변화로 인한 노출이 주변환경에 미치는 영향 연구
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Research report
Securing useful arctic biologicalresources: Isolate andCharacterization of PsychrotolerantPredatory Bacteria
유용 극지생물자원 확보: 내냉성 포식 미생물의 분리와 동정
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Research report
A study on the establshment of multiple application of extant foraminifera for monitoring Antactic marine environment and climate change
남극 해양환경 모니터링 및 기후변화 대응을 위한 현생 유공충의 다각적 활용기반 구축연구
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Research report
Development of customized gas sensors to monitor greenhouse gases discharged from the polar permafrost soil
극지 동토층에서 배출되는 온실가스 모니터링을 위한 맞춤형 가스센서 개발
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Research report
Testing hypotheses on the causes of the Younger Dryas abrupt climate change occurred around 12,900 years ago by using chemical proxies from Greenland ice cores
그린란드 빙하코어의 화학적 프록시를 활용한 약 12,900년 전 영거 드라이아스(Younger Dryas) 기후 급변 발생 원인의 가설 검증
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Anti-inflammatory effects of TP1 in LPS-induced Raw264.7 macrophages
LPS 유도된 Raw264.7 대식세포에서 TP-1의 항 염증효과
An Jangeun; Kim Minji; Shin Seong-Ah; Moon Sun Young; Kim Moonsu; Choi Seyeon; Kim Huiji; Phi Kim Hoa; Lee, Jun Hyuck; Youn, Ui Joung; Park Hyun Ho; Lee Chang Sup
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Research report
Microbial Paleogenomics using marine sediment in the Antarctic Ocean
고환경유전체 분석을 통한 서남극 퇴적 특성 연구
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Research report
Development of next-generation concept-based immune-system control compound using polar organism resources
극지 생물자원 유래 차세대 개념 기반 면역제어 물질 개발
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Observation of spatial and temporal patterns of seasonal ground deformation in central Yakutia using time series InSAR data in the freezing season
동결기간 시계열 InSAR 데이터를 사용한 중앙 야쿠티아의 계절적 지면 변형의 시공간적 패턴 관찰
Jung, Yoon Taek; park, sangeun; Kim, Hyun-cheol
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Holocene Palaeoenvironmental and Palaeoproductivity Changes in the Western Amundsen Sea Embayment of Antarctica
남극 서부 아문젠해만의 홀로세 고환경 및 고생산성 변화
Kim Minkyoung; Lee, Jae Il; Bak Young-Suk; Hillenbrand Claus-Dieter; Yang, Eun Jin; Montlucon Daniel B.; Haghipour Negar; Eglinton Timothy I.; Hwang Jeomshik
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Wistin Exerts an Anti-Inflammatory Effect via Nuclear Factor-κB and p38 Signaling Pathways in Lipopolysaccharide-Stimulated RAW264.7 Cells
식물유래 화합물인 Wistin의 Nuclear Factor-кB 와 p38 신호전달을 통한 항염증 활성 기작확인
An, Jangeun; Ryu, Gyoungah; Shin, Seong-Ah; Kim, Huiji; Ahn, Mi-Jeong; Lee, Jun Hyuck; Lee, Chang Sup
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Development of a broadband cavity-enhanced absorption spectrometer for simultaneous measurements of ambient NO3, NO2, and H2O
NO3, NO 및 H2O 동시 측정을 위한 광대역 공동 흡수 분광기의 개발
Nam, Woohui; Cho, Changmin; Perdigones, Begie; Rhee, Tae Siek; Min, Kyung-Eun
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Research report
GNSS Scintillation Measurements from RV Araon in Polar and Ocean Regions
아라온 쇄빙선을 이용한 극지역 및 해양지역 GNSS 신틸레이션 관측
Chung, Jong-Kyun
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Research report
Arctic Development in Russia and Its Impacts on Local Communities
러시아 북극권 개발과 지역사회 변화 연구
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Research report
Basic research for ozone watch over the (sub)arctic region using icebreaker research vessel
북극 및 아북극 오존감시를 위한 쇄빙선 오존 관측 기반연구
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Research report
Fundamental study about highly-durable icephobic coating technology
나노구조를 이용한 고내구성 아이스포빅 코팅 원천 기술 연구
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Research report
Biogeochemical cycle of sulfur in glacial meltwater streams
융빙수 하천의 생물지구화학적 황 순환에 대한 동위원소 연구
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Impact of Sea Ice Melting on Summer Air-Sea CO2 Exchange in the East Siberian Sea
해빙이 동시베리아 여름철 대기-해양 CO2 플럭스에 미치는 영향
Mo, Ahra; Yang, Eun Jin; Kang, Sung-Ho; Kim, Dongseon; Lee, Kitack; Ko, Young Ho; Kim, Kitae; Kim, Tae-Wook