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Showing results 1 to 20 of 46
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Research report
A research for the master plan of the Korean Antarctic inland station establishment and research
남극내륙기지 건설 및 운영 종합계획 수립 기획연구
Lee, Khanghyun
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Research report
Planning study on better use of the global trajectory of a research icebreaker
쇄빙연구선 이동궤적 활용을 위한 기획연구
Shin, Hyoung Chul
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Research report
A Study on the Generation of Basic Data to Strengthen Science-Based Participation in International Academic Organizations: Focusing on the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Activities
국제 학술기구 내 과학기반 영향력 강화를 위한 기초자료 생성 연구: 남극연구과학위원회(SCAR) 한국인 의장기 활동을 중심으로
Jeong, Jee-Hoon
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Research report
Establishment and Operation of the Polar Integrated Information System
2023년도 극지통합정보시스템 구축·운영 사업
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Research report
Cultivation of innovative ICT-based interdisciplinary global talents for AI-based big data research in microorganism genome
미생물 게놈 빅데이터 분석을 위한 AI 기반 환경 ICT 융합 글로벌 인재양성
Lee, Jun Hyuck
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Research report
Postdoctoral Fellowship Program for Outstanding International Researchers
해외 우수 연구원 유치를 위한 외국인 연수연구원 지원 사업
Shin, Hyoung Chul
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Research report
A Establishment Research for the Information System Master Plan of the Polar Integrated Information System
극지통합정보시스템의 마스터플랜 수립
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Research report
Planning to Promote Ship-Building of the Next Generation Ice-Breaking Research Vessel
차세대 쇄빙연구선 건조사업 기획연구
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Research report
Collection of data on Antarctic activities prior to the operation of the Araon : Focused on research and supply ship.
아라온호 취항 이전의 남극활동 자료발굴 - 연구·보급선박을 중심으로
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Development of Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) for Detecting Crevasses in Glaciers
빙하 크레바스 탐지용 무인지상차량 (UGV) 개발
Chung, Changhyun; Kim, Hyoung-Kwon; Yoon, Dong-Jin; Lee, Joohan
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Research report
2020 KOPRI Integrity self-assessment report
2020년 극지(연) 자체 청렴도 측정 결과보고서
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Research report
2020 KOPRI Research Ethcis Index Measurement & Development of Research Ethics Education Contents
2020년 극지연구소 연구윤리 지수 측정 및 교육 콘텐츠 개발
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Research report
Automation of damper system at the cleanroom using IoT and Big data technology
사물인터넷과 빅데이타를 활용한 청정실험실 댐퍼 자동화
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Research report
The Development of an Index Model on Research Ethics
2017년도 연구윤리 지수 개발
Kim, HyoungJun
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The story of a ship used with early Antarctic activities - before the service of icebreaker research vessel "Araon"
우리나라의 초기 남극활동에 쓰인 배 이야기 - 쇄빙연구선 "아라온"호의 취항 이전
Nam, SangHeon; Chang, Soon-Keun
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Aerogeophysical characterization of an active subglacial lake system in the David Glacier catchment, Antarctica
남극 데이비드 빙하 분지 활동성 빙저호에 관한 항공지구물리학적 특성 규명
Lindzey, Laura E.; Beem, Lucas H.; Young, Duncan A.; Quartini, Enrica; Blankenship, Donald D.; Lee, Choon-Ki; Lee, Won Sang; Lee, Jong Ik; Lee, Joohan
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Research report
2019년 극지연구소 고객만족도 조사
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Research report
Re-Planning to Promote Ship-Building of the 2nd Ice-Breaking Research Vessel
제2쇄빙연구선 건조사업 재기획 연구
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Research report
Investigation and Analysis for Preparation Countermeasure of 2nd IBRV Peliminary Feasibility Study
제2쇄빙연구선 건조사업 예비타당성조사 대응책 마련을 위한 조사·분석
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Research report
2019년 극지연구소 자체 청렴도 측정 결과보고서