열기 Polar Science Research Program
열기 Climate Sciences
Atmosphere Sciences
Remote Sensing
열기 Life Sciences
Ecology & Biodiversity
Genomics & Biotechnology
Marine Sciences
열기 PAP/PIP Program
Polar Academic Program
Polar Industrial Program
Policy & International Cooperation
International Symposium on Polar Sciences
열기 Arctic, Antarctic Stations and Icebreaker 'Araon'
열기 Arctic and Antarctic Stations
Annual Report
열기 Icebreaker 'Araon'
열기 Polar Policy
Policy Issue
Public Relations
열기 Publications
Korea Journal of Polar Research (1990-2000)
남극 데이비드 빙하 분지 활동성 빙저호에 관한 항공지구물리학적 특성 규명
Lindzey, Laura E.; Beem, Lucas H.; Young, Duncan A.; Quartini, Enrica; Blankenship, Donald D.; Lee, Choon-Ki; Lee, Won Sang; Lee, Jong Ik; Lee, Joohan
빙하 크레바스 탐지용 무인지상차량 (UGV) 개발
Chung, Changhyun; Kim, Hyoung-Kwon; Yoon, Dong-Jin; Lee, Joohan