2009-2011, Southern Ocean and the ecosystem as a reactor of climate gases (09-11) / Shin, Hyoung Chul
- Project Code
- PP09040
- Project Name (Other)
- 남극해의 온실기체 처리능력 평가와 온실기체 제거장 활용 가능성 연구
- Principal Investigator
- Shin, Hyoung Chul
- Proejct Period
- 2009-2011
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Browse "2009-2011, Southern Ocean and the ecosystem as a reactor of climate gases (09-11) / Shin, Hyoung Chul" by Title
Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
- 1
A preliminary study on the water column distribution of CH4 and N2O off the east coast of Korean Peninsula South of Donghae in summer 2009
2009년 여름 동해 연안에서의 CH4와 N2O 연구
Lee, Gangwoog; Park, Kyung-Ah; Rhee, Tae Siek; Shin, Hyoung Chul; Kim, Dongseon
- 2
An overview of the volatile systematics of the Lau Basin - Resolving the effects of source variation, magmatic degassingand crustal contamination
라우분지의 휘발성 물질 분포에 대한 개관 - 기원물질 변화, 마그마 탈기체화 및 지각에 의한 오염의 구분
Hahm, Doshick; Paterno R. Castillo; James W. Hawkins; David R. Hilton; Erik H. Hauri; Barry B. Hanan
- 3
Biodiversity and physiological characteristics of Antarcticand Arctic lichens-associated bacteria
Lee, Yung Mi; Hong, Soon Gyu; Lee, Hong Kum; Kim, Eun Hye
- 4
CARIBIC measurements of methane and other trace gases in the easterly outflow of the Indian summer monsoon
여름 인도 몬순동안 관측된 메탄과 다른 미량 기체의 CARIBIC 관측
C.A.M. Brenninkmeijer; A. Zahn; Rhee, Tae Siek; F. Slemr; T.J. Schuck
- 5
CO emission from the ocean: An estimation from a basin-wide observation in the Atlantic
해양으로부터 이산화탄소 방출: 대서양 관측을 이용한 추정
- 6
Cultivation and biochemical characterization of heterotrophic bacteria associated with phytoplankton bloom in the Amundsen sea polynya, Antarctica
남극 아문젠해 폴리냐에서 식물플랑크톤 대번식과 관련된 종속영양성 박테리아의 배양과 생화학 특성
Choi, Seon-Bin; Rhee, Sung-Keun; Lee, Sang H.; Park, Jisoo; Hwang, Chung Yeon; Park, Soo-Je; Si, Ok-Ja; Min, Ui-Gi; Kim, So-Jeong; Jung, Man-Young; Kim, Jong-Geol
- 7
Culture Collection of Polar Organisms
Culture Collection of Polar Organisms
Lee, Yung Mi; Lee, Hong Kum; Hong, Soon Gyu; Choe, Cheng-Dae
- 8
Feeding activity of the copepod Acartia hongi on phytoplankton and micro-zooplankton in Gyeonggi Bay, Yellow Sea
Yang, Eun Jin; Ju, Se-Jong; Choi, Joong Ki
- 9
Fragilariopsis kerguelensis response to iron enrichment regarding its growth, uptake of nutrients and trace metals, and changes in CO2, CH4, and N2O
철농도에 따른 Fragilariopsis kerguelensis 의 성장, 영양염과 미량금속의 흡수, 이산화탄소와 메탄, 아산화질소의 흡수와 방출에 관한 실험
Rhee, Tae Siek; Kim, Young Nam; Yang, Eun Jin; Choi, Man Sik; Kim, Meesun; Kim, Sun Young; Kwon, Young Shin
- 10
Global climate changes studied via multidisciplinary observations in rapid retreating sea-ice regions with bipolar perspectives
Global climate changes studied via multidisciplinary observations in rapid retreating sea-ice regions with bipolar perspectives
Shin, Hyoung Chul; Rhee, Tae Siek; Kim, Hyun-cheol; Hahm, Doshik; Lee, Sang H.; Lee, Sang H.
- 11
Implication of hydrogen isotope measurements of CH4 and H2 for investigation of their atmospheric processes
메탄과 수소의 안전 동위 원소 측정을 이용한 대기 순환 이해
- 12
Mesozooplankton distribution patterns and grazing impacts of copepods and Euphausia crystallorophias in the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica, during austral summer
남극 아문젠 해역의 중형동물플랑크톤 분포와 우점 요각류 및 Euphausia crystallorophias의 섭식압
Ha, Ho Kyung; Choi, Keun H.; Lee, Doo Byoul; Shin, Hyoung Chul; Lee, Sang H.; Lee, Sang Heon; Yang, Eun Jin
- 13
Methane and nitrous oxide emissions from the ocean: A reassessment using basin-wide observations in the Atlantic
해양으로부터 메탄과 과 산화이질소 방출: 대서양 종단관측을 이용한 재평가
A. J. Kettle; Rhee, Tae Siek; M. O. Andreae
- 14
Morphological and Ribosomal DNA-based Characterization of Six Antarctic Ciliate Morphospecies from the Amundsen Sea with Phylogenetic Analyses.
Kim, Sun Young; Yang, Eun Jin; Lee, Sang H.; Shin, Hyoung Chul; John Dolan; Choi, Joong Ki
- 15
Spatial and temporal variation of net community production and its regulating factors in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica
남극 아문젠해 신생산량의 시공간 변화와 조절인자
Hahm, Doshick; Lee, Sang H.; Shin, Hyoung Chul; Kim, Young Nam; Park, Jisoo; Kim, Hae-Cheol; Rhee, Tae Siek
- 16
Volatile systematics of the Lau Basin - resolving the effects of source variation, magmatic degassing and crustal contamination
Volatile systematics of the Lau Basin - resolving the effects of source variation, magmatic degassing and crustal contamination
Hahm, Doshik; Erik H. Hauri; Paterno R. Castillo; Barry B. Hanan; James W. Hawkins; David R. Hilton