2011-2013, Interaction between cryosphere and lithosphere near the Jangbogo Station: Integrated monitoring system for the David Glacier and study on evolution of the glacier (11-13) / Seo, Ki-Weon; Lee, Won Sang
- Project Code
- PE11070
- Project Name (Other)
- 장보고 과학기지 주변 빙권과 지각권의 상호작용 규명: David Glacier 종합 관측망 구축 및 빙하 진화 연구
- Principal Investigator
- Seo, Ki-Weon; Lee, Won Sang
- Proejct Period
- 2011-2013
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Browse "2011-2013, Interaction between cryosphere and lithosphere near the Jangbogo Station: Integrated monitoring system for the David Glacier and study on evolution of the glacier (11-13) / Seo, Ki-Weon; Lee, Won Sang" by Issue Date
Showing results 1 to 20 of 28
- 1
Sources and Levels of Ambient Ocean Sound near the Antarctic Peninsula
남극반도 주변 해양상시잡음 원인 및 세기
Robert P. Dziak; David K. Mellinger; Joseph H. Haxel; Tai-Kwan Lau; Matt J. Fowler; Lee, Won Sang; Minkyu Park; Haruyoshi Matsumoto; Kathleen M. Stafford; DelWayne R. Bohnenstiehl
- 2
Calcified microbial reefs in Cambrian Series 2, North China Platform: Implications for the evolution of Cambrian calcified microbes
북중국대지 캠브리아기 제2세 의 석회미생물초: 캠브리아기 석회미생물 진화에의 함의
Lee, Jeong-Hyun; Woo, Jusun; Chough, S. K.; Chen, Jitao; Lee, Hyun Suk
- 3
Recent changes in the flow of the Ross Ice Shelf, West Antarctica
서남극 로스 빙붕 흐름의 최근 변화
C. L. Hulbe; T. Haran; J. Bohlander; Lee, Choon-Ki; T. A. Scambos
- 4
Geological history and stratigraphy of northern Victoria Land
남극 북빅토리아랜드의 지사와 층서
Woo, Jusun; Cheo, Moon Young; Kim, Young-Hwan G.; Kim, Tae Hoon; Lee, Mi Jung; Lee, Jong Ik; Park, Tae-Yoon S.
- 5
Accuracy Assessment of Tide Models in Terra Nova Bay, East Antarctica, for Glaciological Studies of DDInSAR Technique
DDInSAR 기반의 빙하연구를 위한 동남극 테라노바 만의 조위모델 정밀도 평가
Lee, Hoonyol; Lee, Joohan; Han, Hyangsun
- 6
Hydroacoustic Observation on the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake
2011년 토호쿠 대지진의 수중음향 관측
Lee, Won Sang; Yun, Sukyoung
- 7
Investigation of polythermal glacier on King George Island, Antarctica seen by ground penetrating radar
GPR을 이용한 남극 킹조지섬의 빙하 연구
- 8
The International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean (IBCSO) Version 1.0 - A new bathymetric compilation covering circum-Antarctic waters
Jan Erik Arndt; Felipe Barrios; Gleb Udintsev; Rudolf Greku; Jenny Black; Hong, Jong Kuk; Fernando Bohoyo; Michele Rebesco; Bruce Goleby; Gwen Buys; Frank O. Nitsche; Martin Jakobsson; Hans Werner Schenke
- 9
Life and Death Sounds of Iceberg A53a
빙산 A53a 에서 발생한 생성, 소멸의 신호
Robert P. Dziak; Lee, Won Sang; Kyle Warren; Park, Minkyu; Delwayne R. Bohnenstiehl; Haruyoshi Matsumoto; Matthew J. Fowler
- 10
Book Chapter
Engineering Seismology, Geotechnical and Structural Earthquake Engineering (Seismic ambient noise and its applicability to monitor cryospheric environment)
지진공학 (지진파 상시미동을 이용한 극지환경 모니터링)
Lee, Joohan; Lee, Won Sang; 한신애
- 11
P-wave velocity structure beneath the northern Antarctic Peninsula:evidence of a steeply subducting slab and a deep-rooted low-velocityanomaly beneath the central Bransfield Basin
북 남극 반도의 P파 속도 구조: 중앙 Bransfield Basin 밑에 존재하는 가파른 섭입판과 깊은 저속도 층의 증거
Park, Yongcheol; Lee, Joohan; Milton P. Plasencia L.; Yoo, Hyun Jae; Kim, Kwang-Hee
- 12
The Okcheon Supergroup in the Lake Chngju area, Korea: Neoproterozoic volcanic and glaciogenic sedimentar successions in a rift basin
Duck K. Choi; Woo, Jusun; Park, Tae-Yoon S.
- 13
1-D crustal resistivity structure revealed by sea effect corrected magnetotelluric (MT) data obtained at Jeju Island, Korea
Junmo Yang; Lee, Choon-Ki; Heuisoon Lee; Tae Jong Lee; Don-Joo Min
- 14
Global characteristics of the correlation and time lag between solar and ionospheric parameters in the 27-day period
27일 주기 태양 및 이온층 변화에서 나타나는 상호상관성 및 시간 지연의 범지구적 특성
Dieter Bilitza; Han, Shin-Chan; Lee, Choon-Ki; Seo, Ki-Weon
- 15
Occurence of the isopod Archaeoniscus coreaensis new species from the Lower Cretaceous Jinju Formation, Korea
Dong-Chan Lee; Gerge D.F. Wilson; Park, Tae-Yoon S.; Duck K. Choi
- 16
Installation of Very Broadband Seismic Stations to Observe Seismic and Cryogenic Signals, Antarctica
남극 지진 및 빙권 신호 관측을 위한 초광대역 지진계 설치
Lee, Won Sang; Yun, Sukyoung; Park, Yongcheol; Yoon, Ho Il; Chae, Nam Yi; Choi, Hanjin; Yee, Tae-Gyu; Seo, Ki-Weon
- 17
Swell noise attenuation using a cascade of F-X filter and median filter
F-X 필터와 중앙값 필터를 연속적으로 사용한 파랑잡음 제거
Kim, Sookwan; Hong, Jong Kuk
- 18
Ice velocity mapping of Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica by matching surface undulations measured by ICESat laser altimetry
ICESat 고도계 자료의 고도 변화 매칭을 통한 남극 로스 빙붕 속도 매핑
Han, Shin-Chan; Seo, Ki-Weon; Lee, Choon-Ki; Ted Scambos; Yu, Jaehyung
- 19
Flat-topped mounds in western Ross Sea: Carbonate mounds or subglacial volcanic features?
Kim, Yeadong; F. Davey; Lee, Joohan; L. Lawver
- 20
Evidence of the recent decade change in global fresh water discharge and evapotranspiration revealed by reanalysis and satellite observations
인공위성 원격탐사와 재분석장 자료를 이용한 전지구 담수 양의 변화 연구
Sohn, Byung-Ju; Masayoshi Ishii; Steve Cocke; Duane E.Waliser; Park, Seong-Chan; Kim, Baek-Min; Baijun Tian; Seo, Ki-Weon