2016-2017, Paleo-sea ice proxy development and validation in the Chukchi Sea and the Ross Sea (16-17) / Kim, Junghyun
- Project Code
- PE16490
- Project Name (Other)
- 척치해 및 로스해에서 활용 가능한 고해빙 프록시 개발 및 검증
- Principal Investigator
- Kim, Junghyun
- Proejct Period
- 2016-2017
Link to raw and metadata information
Browse "2016-2017, Paleo-sea ice proxy development and validation in the Chukchi Sea and the Ross Sea (16-17) / Kim, Junghyun" by Title
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
- 1
Distribution of pelagic phytoplankton-derived lipid biomarkers along a transect from the East Sea to the Bering Sea : insights into their suitability as open-water indicators
동해-베링해 횡단구간 부유식물플랑크톤 기원의유기분자생체지표 분포: PIP25 인덱스 사용 시 대양 환경지시자로서의 적합성 검토
Gal, Jong-Ku; Shin, Kyung-Hoon; Nam, Seung-il; Simon T. Belt; Ha, Sun-Yong; Lukas Smik; Kim, Junghyun
- 2
Distribution of pelagic phytoplankton-derived lipid biomarkers in the Northwest Pacific region: insights into their suitability as open-water indicators
북서태평양지역에서 식물성플랑크톤에 의한 지질 바이오마커 분포
Gal, Jong-Ku; Shin, Kyung-Hoon; Seung-Il Nam; Simon T. Belt; Sun Yong Ha; Lukas Smik; Kim, Jung-Hyun
- 3
Effect of Different GC Columns on the Quantitative Analysisof Long Chain Alkyl Diols (LCDs)
특성이 다른 GC 컬럼이 long chain alkyl diols (LCDs)의정량 분석에 미치는 영향
Gal, Jong-Ku; Shin, Kyung-Hoon; Nam, Seung-il; Kim, Junghyun
- 4
A Novel Paleo Sea Surface Nutrient Proxy Based on Long Chain Alkyl Diols: Nutrient Diol Index (NDI)
장족형 알킬 다이올을 기반으로한 새로운 고해양 표층 영양염 프록시: Nutrient Diol Index (NDI)
Gal, Jong-Ku; Kim, Jung-Hyun; Shin, Kyung-Hoon
- 5
Research report
Paleo-sea ice proxy development and validation in the Chukchi Sea and the Ross Sea
척치해 및 로스해에서 활용 가능한 고해빙 프록시 개발 및 검증