2011-2016, Korea Polar Ocean in Rapid Transition (K-PORT) / Kang, Sung-Ho
- Project Code
- PM11080; PM12020; PM13020; PM14040; PM14040; PM15040
- Project Name (Other)
- 양극해 환경변화 이해 및 활용연구
- Principal Investigator
- Kang, Sung-Ho
- Proejct Period
- 2011-2016
Link to raw and metadata information
Collection's Items (Sorted by Year in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 224
- 121
Bacterial communities along stratified water columns at the Chukchi Borderland in the western Arctic Ocean
북극해 태평양 구역의 깊이별 박테리아 분포
Han, Dukki; Lee, Yoo Kyung; Hur, Hor-Gil; Lee, Bang Yong; Hwang, Chung Yeon; Ha, Ho Kyung
- 122
Microzooplankton community structure and grazing impact on major phytoplankton in the Chukchi sea and the western Canada basin, Arctic ocean
북극해의 척치해와 캐나다 서부 분지에서 주요 식물성 플랑크톤에 영향을 미치는 소형동물플랑크톤의 섭식압과 군집구조
Yang, Eun Jin; Kang, Sung-Ho; Ha, Ho Kyung
- 123
Aureimonas glaciistagni sp. nov., isolated from a melt pond on Arctic sea ice
북극 해빙의 융빙호에서 분리한 신종 아우레이모나스 글라시스태그니 연구
Cho, Yirang; Hwang, Chung Yeon; Lee, Hong Kum; Kang, Sung-Ho; Lee, Yung Mi; Yoon, Soo J.; Baek, Kiwoon; Yang, Yoon Y.; Lee, Inae
- 124
Vertical variation of pelagic ciliate communities in the western Arctic Ocean
서북극해의 섬모충류 군집의 수직변화 연구
장용; Kang, Sung-Ho; Kim, Tae-Wan; Min, Jun-Oh; Yang, Eun Jin
- 125
Optical properties in waters around the Mendeleev Ridge related to the physical features of water masses
Mendelleev Ridge 주변해역의 광학적 특징과 수괴의 물리적 특징의 관계
Jinping Zhao; Kim, Tae-Wan; Yang, Eun Jin; Kang, Sung-Ho; Weibo Wang
- 126
Spatial distributions of nutrients, dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas
척치해와 버포트 해역에서의 영양염과 용존유기탄소 및 질소의 공간적 분포
Jung, Jinyoung; Kang, Sung-Ho; Shin, Kyung-Hoon; Yang, Eun Jin; Min, Jun-Oh; Ha, Sun-Yong
- 127
Comparison of the Pacific-origin water distributions on the Arctic Ocean in 2008 and 2012
2008년과 2012년 북극해에서의 태평양 기원수 관측 및 분포 비교 연구
Cho, Kyoung-Ho; Kang, Chan-Young
- 128
High lipid composition of particulate organic matter in the northern Chukchi Sea, 2011
Kim, Bo Kyung; Lee, Sang Heon; Kang, Sung-Ho; Chung, Kyung Ho; Yang, Eun Jin; Song, Ho Jung; Joo, HuiTae; Yun, Mi Sun; Lee, Jang Han
- 129
Comparison of phytoplankton macromolecular compositions and zooplankton proximate compositions in the northern Chukchi Sea
Yun, Mi Sun; Lee, Sang Heon; Chung, Kyung Ho; Park, Wongyu; Yang, Eun Jin; Lee, Jang Han; 강재정; Kim, Bo Kyung; Lee, Doo Byoul
- 130
Regional productivity of phytoplankton in the Western Arctic Ocean during summer in 2010
Yun, Mi Sun; Lee, Sang Heon; Kang, Sung-Ho; Chung, Kyung Ho; ShigetoNishino; Yang, Eun Jin; Joo, HuiTae; Kim, Bo Kyung
- 131
Carbon contribution of sea ice floes in the Arctic Ocean
Lee, Sang Heon; Kang, Sung-Ho; Kang, Chang-Keun; Lee, Doo Byoul; Joo, Hyong-Min; Lee, Jang Han; 박정우; Joo, HuiTae; Kim, Bo Kyung
- 132
Characteristics of mesozooplankton sound-scattering layer in the Pacific Summer Water, Arctic Ocean
북극해 중형동물플랑크톤 음향산란층의 분포 특성
Kang, Myounghee; La, HyoungSul; Kang, Sung-Ho; Chung, Kyung Ho; Kim, Young Nam; Lee, Hyungbeen; Yang, Eun Jin; Ha, Ho Kyung; Hans-Uwe Dahms
- 133
Large contribution of small phytoplankton at Marian Cove, King George Island, Antarctica, based on long-term monitoring from 1996 to 2008
Jeon, Misa; Kang, Sung-Ho; Joo, Hyong-Min; Joo, HuiTae; Lee, Sang Heon; Song, Ho Jung; Kim, Bo Kyung
- 134
Research report
Particle fluxes in the Arctic Ocean
북극해 침강입자 플럭스 연구
- 135
Geophysical features of permafrost in the Canadian Beaufort Sea
캐나다 보포트해 연안에 존재하는 영구동토층의 지구물리학적 형상
Hong, Jong Kuk; S. Dallimore; M. Riedel; Kang, Seung-Goo; Jin, Young Keun
- 136
Detection of melt ponds on sea ice in the Chukchi Sea in summer season using TerraSAR-X dual-polarization data
Detection of melt ponds on sea ice in the Chukchi Sea in summer season using TerraSAR-X dual-polarization data
Kim, Miae; Sim, Seongmun; Im, Jungho; Han, Hyangsun
- 137
Wiggled surface around the top of gas hydrate stability zone in the northeastern Sakhalin Slope, Okhotsk Sea: Is this present-day example for slope failure initiation associated with gas hydrate dissociation?
오호츠크해 북동 사할린 사면에서 가스하이드레이트 안정영역 상한 근처의 우글쭈글 표면: 가스하이드레이트 해리와 관련한 경사면 붕괴에 대한 현재 사례인가?
Kim, Young-Gyun; Hirotsugu Minami; Anatoly Obzhirov; Boris Baranov; Jin, Young Keun
- 138
Marine heat flow measurements across subsea permafrost limit in the eastern Mackenzie Trough, Canadian Beaufort Sea
캐나다 보퍼트해 동편 맥켄지 트러프에서 해양 영구동토층을 가로지르는 해양지열관측
Hong, Jong Kuk; Kim, Young-Gyun
- 139
Seismic Oceanogrphical approach for understanding of summer thermohaline structure in the Ross Sea, Antarctica
남극 로스해 여름철 열염구조 파악을 위한 해양탄성학 연구
Kim, Young-Gyun; Hong, Jong Kuk; Jin, Young Keun
- 140
Expulsion of methane-rich warm fluid from mud volcano in the Canadian Beaufort Sea, Arctic ocean
북극해 캐나다 보퍼트해의 진흙화산으로부터 메탄이 풍부한 따뜻한 유체의 방출
Kim, Young-Gyun; Hong, Jong Kuk; Jin, Young Keun