2011-2016, Korea Polar Ocean in Rapid Transition (K-PORT) / Kang, Sung-Ho
- Project Code
- PM11080; PM12020; PM13020; PM14040; PM14040; PM15040
- Project Name (Other)
- 양극해 환경변화 이해 및 활용연구
- Principal Investigator
- Kang, Sung-Ho
- Proejct Period
- 2011-2016
Link to raw and metadata information
Collection's Items (Sorted by Year in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 224
- 41
Microzooplankton herbivory and community structure in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica
Yang, Eun Jin; Lee, Sang H.; Kang, Yong
- 42
Machine learning-based temporal mixture analysis of hyptertemporal Antarctic sea ice data
Chi, Junhwa; Kang, Sung-Ho; Kim, Hyun-cheol
- 43
First record of massive blooming of benthic diatoms and their association with megabenthic filter feeders on the shallow seafloor of an Antarctic Fjord: Does glacier melting fuel the bloom?
남극피요르드해안 대형저서동물군집에 번성한 저서규조류에 대한 최초의 기록: 빙하의 붕괴가 대량번식을 일으키는가?
Ahn, In-Young; Kang, Sung-Ho; Jeon, Misa; Moon, Hye-Won
- 44
Radar backscattering changes in Arctic sea ice from late summer to early autumn observed by space-borne X-band HH-polarization SAR
Park, Jeong-Won; Craig M.Lee; Byongjun Hwang; Hans C. Graber; Kang, Sung-Ho; Hong, Sang-Hoon; Kim, Hyun-cheol
- 45
An approach to bioassess pelagic ciliate biodiversity at different taxonomic resolutions in response to various habitats in the Amundsen Sea (Antarctica)
남극 아문젠해역에서의 서식지별 섬모충류의 분류학적 다양성
Yang, Eun Jin; SangHoon Lee; Youngju Lee; Min Wang; Qian Liu; Yong Jiang
- 46
Declines in both redundant and trace species characterize the latitudinal diversity gradient in tintinnid ciliates
위도별 섬모충류의 종 다양성 및 종 특이성 추적 연구
John R Dolan; Rhee, Tae Siek; Kang, Sung-Ho; Yang, Eun Jin
- 47
Effects of ocean acidification driven by elevated CO2 on larval shell growth and abnormal rates of the venerid clam, Mactra veneriformis
해양산성화에 의한 동죽유생의 성장과 기형율의 영향연구
Kim, Jee-Hoon; Choy, Eun-Jung; Kim, Won; Yang, Eun Jin; Kang, Sung-Ho; Yu, Ok Hwan
- 48
Research report
Eployment of shipboard three-component magnetometer to understand basin evolutions in polar regions
선상 삼성분 자력계를 활용한 극지지구조 진화 연구
- 49
Research report
Bi-polar monitoring of rapid melting sea ice zone in 2015-2016
2015-2016년 양극해 급속 융빙해역 환경 모니터링 구축에 관한 연구
- 50
Research report
다중 위성자료 융합 모델링을 통한 북극 해빙 변화 모니터링
- 51
Retrieval of Melt Ponds on Arctic Multiyear Sea Ice in Summer from TerraSAR-X Dual-Polarization Data Using Machine Learning Approaches: A Case Study in the Chukchi Sea with Mid-Incidence Angle Data
TerraSAR-X 이중편파 자료로부터 기계학습을 이용한 여름철 북극 다년생 해빙의 융해 연못 추출: 척치해에서 중앙의 레이더 입사각 자료를 이용한 사례연구
Han, Hyangsun; Kang, Sung-Ho; Kim, Duk-jin; Kim, Jinwoo; Sim, Seongmun; Kim, Miae; Im, Jungho
- 52
Research report
Development of an ice-ocean coupled modeling on the Arctic Ocean
북극해 해빙-해양 접합 수치 모델 구축
- 53
Cellular growth and fatty acid content of Arctic green microalgae
북극 미세조류의 성장률과 지질함량 분석
Jung, Woongsic; Park, Keunbo; Choi, Han-Gu; Kang, Sung-Ho; Kim, Sanghee; Han, Se Jong; Lim, Suyoun; Kim, Eun Jae
- 54
Morphology and Molecular Phylogeny of the Soil Ciliate Anteholosticha rectangula sp. nov. from King George Island, Maritime Antarctica
남극 신종 섬모충류 Anteholosticha rectangula의 형태, 계통분석
Jung, Jae-Ho; Kim, Sanghee; Park, Kyung-Min
- 55
Research report
Study of cold-adaptation of sea ice microorganisms under Arctic environmental changes
북극해 환경변화에 따른 해빙 미소생물들의 적응 기작 및 활용연구
- 56
Research report
The idea of practical stategies regarding polar oceans: by analyzing policies of major countries and international institutes
주요국 및 국제기구의 양극해 관련 정책 분석을 통한 극지해 활용전략 구상
- 57
Research report
Korea-Polar Ocean in Rapid Transition
양극해 환경변화 이해 및 활용연구
- 58
Illustrations of phytoplankton diatoms in the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans
북극 및 남극해 서식 식물플랑크톤(규조류) 도감집
이진환; 박준상; Joo, Hyong-Min; Kang, Sung-Ho
- 59
Research report
Araon Multi-beam Data Processing Research Noise Suppression and Polar Ocean Bottom Properties Controls
아라온 멀티빔 잡음 제거 및 신호 활용을 통한 양극 해저면 물성 도출 연구
- 60
Functional analysis and enzymatic modification by site-directed mutagenesis of an omega-6 fatty acid desaturas from Arctic Chlamydomonas sp.
북극 클라미노모나스 유래 오메가-6 지방산 불포화 효소의 기능 분석 및 위치 특이적 돌연변이에 의한 효소활성 변화 연구
Jung, Woongsic; Kim, Sanghee; Choi, Han-Gu; Kang, Sung-Ho; Han, Se Jong; Kim, Eun Jae