Browse "Glaciology" by Issue Date
Showing results 1 to 20 of 445
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Research report
Observation and understanding of changes in water stable isotope composition in the polar water cycle
극지역 물순환 내 물안정동위원소비 변화 관측과 이해
Han, Yeongcheol
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Pleistocene glaciomarine laminated muds in the Central Basin of the northwestern Ross Sea and their palaeoceanographic records
플라이스토세 로스해 북서부 중앙 분지의 빙해양 엽층 니질퇴적물의 고해양 기록
김부근; 손영관; 이민경; Kim, Sunghan; Lee, Jae Il; Yoo, Kyu-Cheul
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High Salinity Shelf Water production rates in Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea from high-resolution salinity observations
로스해 테라노바만 폴리냐에서 고해상도 염분 변동 관측을 통한 고염대륙붕수의 생산력 추정
Una Kim Miller; Christopher J. Zappa; Arnold L. Gordon; Seung-Tae Yoon; Craig Stevens; Lee, Won Sang
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High-Resolution Terrestrial Water Storage Estimates From GRACE and Land Surface Models
중력위성과 육지수문모델을 활용한 고해상도 물질량 변화 추정
Kim Jae-Seung; Seo Ki-Weon; 김병훈; Ryu Dongryeol; Chen Jianli; Wilson Clark
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Research report
Stability Assessment of Antarctic Ice Shelves Using Deflection
휨 정도를 활용한 남극 빙붕 안정성 평가 방안 연구
Kim, Seung Hee
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Research report
Ice sheet retreat and ocean circulation in West Antarctica during the past warm periods
과거 온난기의 서남극 빙상 후퇴 및 해양 순환 변화 연구 (1단계)
Yoo, Kyu-Cheul
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Research report
The study of reconstruction of paleo-depositional condition and biogeochemical alteration using clay minerals in marine sediments distributed in glacial retreating area West Antarctica
서남극 빙붕 후퇴 지역 주변의 해저퇴적물에 분포하는 점토광물을 이용한 생지화학적 변이작용 및 과거 퇴적 환경 변화 연구
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Research report
Reconstruction of Quaternary glacial behavior and paleo-environmental changes in the vicinity of the Ross Sea through analysis of Cosmogenic Radioactive Nuclides (CRN)
우주선 유발 동위원소 연대측정을 이용한 빙하기록 연구
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Research report
Depositional Process and Climate Change through the Microscopic Observation of Sediment Microfabric in the West Antarctica
서남극 퇴적물 미세조직의 현미경 관찰을 통한 퇴적과정과 기후변화 연구
Keun, Khim Boo
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Research report
Research on the biostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental change using diatoms from core sediments in the West Anartica
서남극 코어퇴적물에서 규조를 이용한 생층서 및 고환경 변화 연구
Bak, Young-Suk; Yoo, Kyu-Cheul
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Research report
Land-Ice/Ocean Network Exploration with Semiautonomous Systems: Thwaites Glacier (LIONESS/TG)
서남극 스웨이트 빙하 돌발붕괴의 기작규명 및 해수면 상승 영향 연구
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Petrology and quartz grain microtextures of marine shoreline sands from the Punta Arenas area, southernmost Chile and King George Island, Antarctica and implications for their depositional history
칠레 푼타 아레나스와 남극 킹조지 섬 해빈 모래의 광물 조성 및 석영 입자의 미세구조를 통한 퇴적사 연구
김혜정; 이아침; Lee, Yong Il; Lee, Min Kyung
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Provenance analysis of the Cretaceous Gyeongsang Basin, SE Korea: A synthesis and tectonic implications for active continental margin in East Asia
한국 남동부 백악기 경상분지의 기원지 연구: 동아시아 활성연변부의 조구조 운동에 대한 함의
Il Lee Yong; Lee, Jae Il; Choi Yong Seok
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Evaluation of the Marine Ice Sheet/Ice Cliff Instabilities on the Glaciers of Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica
남극 테라노바 만 빙하의 해양 빙상/빙벽 불안정성 평가
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Hunting paleoceanographic archives of ice sheet-ocean interaction in the northwestern Ross Sea, Antarctica
로스해 북서부에서의 빙상과 해양의 상호작용에 대한 고해양학적 기록
Kim Sookwan; De Santis Laura; Hong, Jong Kuk; Colizza Ester; Kim, Sunghan; Bergamasco Andrea; Lee Sang-Hoon; Kang, Seung-Goo; Lee, Min Kyung; Kim, Hyung Jun; Choi, Yeonjin; Geniram Andrea; 최형규; Lee, Jae Il; Yoo, Kyu-Cheul; Park, Yongcheol
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Spatiotemporal variability in ocean-driven basal melting of cold-water cavity ice shelf in Terra Nova Bay, East Antarctica: roles of tide and cavity geometry
동남극 테라노바만의 냉수 캐비티 빙붕에서의 빙붕하부용융의 시공간적 변동성: 조수 및 캐비티 지형의 역할
Kim Taekyun; Hong Ji-Seok; Jin, Emilia Kyung; Moon Jae-Hong; Song Sang-Keun; Lee, Won Sang
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Ice Shelf Water Structure Beneath the Larsen C Ice Shelf in Antarctica
남극 대륙 라르센 C 빙붕 아래 융빙수 구조
나지성; Davis Peter E. D.; 김병훈; Jin, Emilia Kyung; Lee, Won Sang
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Bridging the gap for ice-ocean-ecosystem processes: integrated observing system for the Ross Sea-far East Antarctic Region
빙하-해양-생태계 상호관계 심층 이해를 위한 로스해-동남극해 통합 관측망 구축
Petra Heil; Craig Stevens; Lee, Won Sang; Clare Eayrs; Shin, Hyoung Chul; Simon P. Alexander; Wolfgang Rack
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Glacial-interglacial environmental changes in the Drake Passage over the past 600 kyrs
드레이크 해협의 지난 600,000년 동안 빙하기-간빙기 환경 변화
Kim, Sunghan; Lee, Jae Il; Yoo, Kyu-Cheul; Lee, Min Kyung; Young-Suk Bak; 강명일; Sookwan Kim; 박진구
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Glacial-interglacial changes in oceanic conditions and depositional process in the continental rise in response to ice sheet (shelf) variation in Bellingshausen Sea, Antarctica
벨링스하우젠해에서의 빙상 빙하기 간빙기 변화에 따른 해양환경 변화와 퇴적 작용 변화
Kim, Sunghan; Bak Young-Suk; Prebble Joseph G.; 강명일; Kim Sookwan; 박진구; Lee, Min Kyung; Lee, Jae Il; Yoo, Kyu-Cheul; Moon, Heung Soo