Browse "Glaciology" by Type Research report
Showing results 1 to 30 of 49
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Research report
Improvement of oceanic T-wave excitation modeling method and its application
해양 T파 발생기구 모사기법 향상 및 활용에 관한 연구
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Research report
Planning study for a land-based expedition of the Ross Ice Shelf
육상 기반 로스 빙붕 종합 탐사를 위한 기획 연구
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Research report
Characterization of hydrologicalnetwork underneath ice near theVictoria Land, Antarctica
장보고기지 주변 빙하 하부수문계측망 특성 규명
Lee, Jeonghoon
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Research report
Study on the NO3- Recycling of the Snow-Atmosphere System at KGI, Antarctica
세종기지 월동 연구를 통한 킹조지섬 주변눈과 대기시스템의 NO3- 상호교환 기작규명에 관한 연구
Hong, Sang-Bum
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Research report
Survey on Global Research Trend for Ocean-Ice Interaction & Antarctic Glacier Retreat
서남극 온난화에 의한 해양-빙하 상호작용과 빙하후퇴 연구과제 발굴을 위한 기획연구
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Research report
The Ross Sea Hydrophone Triad
로스해 수중음향관측
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Research report
Precise determination of δ17O in ice and snow samples using cavity ring-down spectroscopy
공동광자감쇠분광법을 이용한 빙설 시료의 δ17O 정밀 분석법 개발
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Research report
Planing of high resolution paleoclimate reconstruction using shallow ice core in Victoria Land of Antarctica and study on long term climate change of Arctic and Antarctic
천부빙하코어를 활용한 남극 빅토리아랜드 고해상도 기후?환경 복원과 남북극 장주기 기후변화 연구기획
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Research report
Planing Study to Find a Theme of Ice Core Science by the Collaboration between Korea and New Zealand
한-뉴질랜드 국제공동 빙하코어연구 주제발굴을 위한 사전 기획연구
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Research report
해수면 상승 예측을 위한후빙기 지각 융기 모델 검증
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Research report
Development of magnetotelluric exploration technique for polar environment
극지 자기지전류탐사기술 개발
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Research report
Development of Monitoring System for Glacial Evolution based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
무인항공기를 이용한 빙권변화모니터링시스템 개발
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Research report
Age Determination of Blue Ice for Long-term Paleoclimate Reconstruction
극지 블루아이스에서 장주기 기후변화 복원을 위한 연대측정법 개발
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Research report
Paleo-sea ice proxy development and validation in the Chukchi Sea and the Ross Sea
척치해 및 로스해에서 활용 가능한 고해빙 프록시 개발 및 검증
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Research report
A Study on the Planning forInvestigating Ice Sheet and Sea Level Changes
극지 빙상-해수면 변동 관측 및 예측 체계 구축을 위한 기획연구
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Research report
The variation in the sediment provenance of the Arctic Ocean: implications for middle to late Pleistocene glacial history in the Arctic Ocean
네오디뮴 동위원소를 이용한 북극해 퇴적물 기원지 변화 복원: 플라이스토세 중/후기 북극해 빙하 양상에 대한 고찰
Jang, Kwangchul
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Research report
Changing Arctic Sea Ice Dynamics and Northern Sea Route Developments: Retrospective Analysis
북극 해빙 변화와 북극항로 운항조건 분석
Shin, Hyoung Chul
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Research report
Final report "Investigating Cryospheric Evolution of the Victoria Land, Antarctica"
장보고기지 주변 빙권변화 진단, 원인규명 및 예측 연구 사업 최종보고서
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Research report
Development of Magnetotelluric exploration technique for polarenvironment
극지 자기지전류 탐사기술 개발
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Research report
Assessment of Post Glacial Rebound in Antarctica
해수면 상승 예측을 위한 후빙기 지각 융기 모델 검증
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Research report
Characterization of hydrological network underneath icenear the Victoria Land, Antarctica
장보고 기지 주변 빙하 하부 수문계측망 특성 규명
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Research report
Ross Sea Hydrophone Triad Arrays
로스해 수중음향관측
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Research report
Reconstruction of past climate and environmental changes using high resolution icecore records in Victoria Land, Antarctica
빙하코어를 활용한 남극 빅토리아랜드 고해상도 기후 환경 복원연구
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Research report
Investigation of key elements in future projections of East Antarctic Ice Sheet using ice sheet model
빙상동역학 모델 기반 동남극 빙하 미래변화 시나리오 산출의 주요 요소 규명
Jin, Emilia Kyung
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Research report
Research of paleoenvironmental change using diatom indicator from core sediments in Antarctica
남극 코어퇴적물에서 규조 지시자를 이용한 고환경 변화 연구
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Research report
Estimation of water·material exchange and identification of biogeochemical mechanisms in polar melting water-hyporheic zone
극지방 융빙(설)수-혼합대의 물·물질교환 평가 및 생지화학적 메커니즘 규명
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Research report
Study of Chemical Properties of Ice Surfaces at Low Temperature
저온 얼음 표면의 화학적 특성 연구
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Research report
Investigation of chemical self-purification processes in ice and their application for water treatment
얼음 내에서 일어나는 화학적 자정작용 규명 및 수처리에 응용 가능한 얼음화학 반응 발굴
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Research report
Application of cosmogenic nuclides dating to the glacial and paleoclimatological study
우주기원 동위원소 연대측정을 이용한 빙하기록 연구
Seong, Yeong Bae
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Research report
Quantitative study for trace gas behavior using shallow ice cores
천부 빙하코어를 이용한 미량기체 거동정량적 연구