2014-2016, Monitoring of Abrupt Environmental Change in The Ice Shelf System and Reconstruction of Quaternary Deglaciation History in West Antarctica (14-16) / Yoon; Ho Il
- Project Code
- PP15010; PP16010; PP14010
- Project Name (Other)
- 서남극 빙붕 변화 관측 시스템 구축 및 제4기 해빙사(deglaciation) 복원 기술 개발
- Principal Investigator
- Yoon; Ho Il; Lee, Jae Il
- Proejct Period
- 2014-2016
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Showing results 1 to 27 of 27
- 1
Rare earth element composition of paleo-maar sediments (latestPleistocene - early Holocene), Jeju Island, Korea: implications forAsian dust record and monsoon climate
Lee, Min Kyung; Lee, Seung Hyoun; Lee, Yong Il; Yoon, Ho Il; Yoo, Kyu-Cheul
- 2
Geochemical characteristics of meltwater and pondwater on Barton and Weaver Peninsulas of King George Island, West Antarctica
Lim, Hyoun Soo; Park, Youngyun; Lee, Jin-Houng; Yoon, Ho Il
- 3
Late Quaternary climatic changes around the Elephant Islands, Antarctic Peninsula
Bak, Young-Suk; Yoo, Kyu-Cheul; Yoon, Ho Il
- 4
Arsenite Oxidation Initiated by the UV Photolysis of Nitrite and Nitrate
Kim, Dong-hyo; Lee, Jaesang; Ryu, Jungho; Kim, Kitae; Choi, Wonyong
- 5
Rare earth element composition of paleo-maar sediments (latestPleistocene - early Holocene), Jeju Island, Korea: implications forAsian dust record and monsoon climate
JeJu 습지 퇴적물의 희토류 조성으로부터 유추한 후기 플라이스토세에서 홀로세 초기 동안 황사의 기록과 계절풍과 관련된 기후 변화
Lee, Min Kyung; Yoo, Kyu-Cheul; Yoon, Ho Il; Lee, Yong Il; Lee, Seung Hyoun
- 6
Arsenite Oxidation Initiated by the UV Photolysis of Nitrite and Nitrate
질소산화물의 광화학반응을 통한 비소산화반응
Kim, Dong-hyo; Kim, Kitae; Choi, Wonyong; Ryu, Jungho; Lee, Jaesang
- 7
Late Quaternary climatic changes around the Elephant Islands, Antarctic Peninsula
남극반도 엘레펀트 섬 주변의 제4기 말 기후 변화
Bak, Young-Suk; Yoon, Ho Il; Yoo, Kyu-Cheul
- 8
Geochemical characteristics of meltwater and pondwater on Barton and Weaver Peninsulas of King George Island, West Antarctica
서남극 킹조지섬의 바톤 반도와 위버 반도의 융빙수와 호수의 지화학적 수질 특성
Yoon, Ho Il; Lee, Jin-Yong; Park, Youngyun; Lim, Hyoun Soo
- 9
Enhanced Removal of Hexavalent Chromium in the Presence of H2O2 in Frozen Aqueous Solutions
Kim, Kitae; Kim, Jaesung; Bokare, Alok D.; Choi, Wonyong; Yoon, Ho Il; Kim, Jungwon
- 10
Freezing-Enhanced Dissolution of Iron Oxides: Effects of Inorganic Acid Anions
Jeong, Daun; Kim, Kitae; Min, Dae Wi; Choi, Wonyong
- 11
Diatom Succession Representing the Paleoclimatic Change from Laminated Sediments around Antarctica
Bak, Young-Suk; Yoon, Ho Il; Yoo, Kyu-Cheul; Lee, Young-Up
- 12
Late Holocene glacial advance and ice shelf growth in Barilari Bay, Graham Land, west Antarctic Peninsula
Christ, Andrew J; Talaia-Murray, Manique; Elking, Natalie; Domack, Eugene W.; Leventer, Amy; Lavoie, Caroline; Brachfeld, Stefanie; Yoo, Kyu-Cheul; Gilbert, Robert; Jeong, Sun-Mi; Petrushak, Stephen; Wellner, Julia; The LARISSA Group
- 13
Configuration of the Northern Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet at LGM based on a new synthesis of seabed imagery
Lavoie, Caroline; Domack, Eugene W.; Pettit, E. C.; Scambos, T. A.; Larter, R. D.; Schenke, Hans Werner; Yoo, Kyu-Cheul; Gutt, Julian; Wellner, Julia; Canals, M.; Anderson, J. B.; Amblas, D.
- 14
Hydrography of Marian Cove, King George Island, West Antarctica: implications for ice-proximal sedimentation during summer
Yoo, Kyu-Cheul; Lee, Min Kyung; Yoon, Ho Il; Kang, Cheon Yoon
- 15
Hydrography of Marian Cove, King George Island, West Antarctica: implications for ice-proximal sedimentation during summer
서남극 킹조지 섬 마리안 소만의 수리학적 특성
Kang, Cheon Yoon; Lee, Yong Il; Yoon, Ho Il; Lee, Min Kyung; Yoo, Kyu-Cheul
- 16
Late Holocene glacial advance and ice shelf growth in Barilari Bay, Graham Land, west Antarctic Peninsula
서남극 그래함랜드 베릴러리 만에서 홀로세 후기 빙하 전진과 빙붕 성장
the LARISSA Group; Julia Wellner; Stephen Petrushak; 정선미; Robert Gilbert; Yoo, Kyu-Cheul; Stephanie Brachfeld; Caroline Lavoie; Amy Leventer; Eugene W. Domack; Natalie Elking; Manique Talaia-Murray; Andrew J. Christ
- 17
Configuration of the Northern Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet at LGM based on a new synthesis of seabed imagery
새로운 해저 이미지를 기반으로 지난최대빙하기에 북부 남극반도 빙상 실현
C. Lavoie; D. Amblas; J. B. Anderson; M. Canals; J. Wellner; J. Gutt; Yoo, Kyu-Cheul; H.-W. Schenke; R. D. Larter; T. A. Scambos; E. C. Pettit; E. W. Domack
- 18
Diatom Succession Representing the Paleoclimatic Change from Laminated Sediments around Antarctica
남극 엽층리 퇴적물로부터 규조 종을 이용한 고기후 변화 연구 남극 엽층리 퇴적물로부터 규조 종을 이용한 고기후 변화 연구
Bak, Young-Suk; 이영엽; Yoo, Kyu-Cheul; Yoon, Ho Il
- 19
Enhanced Removal of Hexavalent Chromium in the Presence of H2O2 in Frozen Aqueous Solutions
얼음에서 향상된 활성산소종(H2O2)에 의한 독성크롬의 제거반응
Kim, Kitae; Kim, Jungwon; Yoon, Ho Il; Choi, Wonyong; Alok D. Bokare; Kim, Jaesung
- 20
Freezing-Enhanced Dissolution of Iron Oxides: Effects of Inorganic Acid Anions
얼음내 향상된 산화철 용출반응에 음이온이 미치는 영향 연구
Kim, Kitae; Choi, Wonyong; Min, Dae Wi; Jeong, Daun
- 21
Production of Molecular Iodine and Tri-iodide in the Frozen Solution of Iodide: Implication for Polar Atmosphere
Kim, Kitae; Yabushita, Akihiro; Okumura, Masanori; Saiz-Lopez, Alfonso; Cuevas, Carlos A.; Blaszczak-Boxe, Christopher S.; Min, Dae Wi; Yoon, Ho Il; Choi, Wonyong
- 22
Marinobacterium profundum sp. nov., a marine bacterium from deep-sea sediment
Hwang, Chung Yeon; Yoon, Soo Jung; Lee, Inae; Baek, Kiwoon; Lee, Yung Mi; Yoo, Kyu-Cheul; Yoon, Ho Il; Lee, Hong Kum
- 23
Marinobacterium profundum sp. nov., a marine bacterium from deep-sea sediment
심해 퇴적물에서 분리한 해양 세균 마리노박테리움 프로훈덤 신종 연구
Hwang, Chung Yeon; Lee, Hong Kum; Yoon, Ho Il; Yoo, Kyu-Cheul; Lee, Yung Mi; Baek, Kiwoon; Lee, Inae; Yoon, Soo J.
- 24
Production of Molecular Iodine and Tri-iodide in the Frozen Solution of Iodide: Implication for Polar Atmosphere
남극 대기중 요오드 대량 생성 메카니즘 규명
Kim, Kitae; Choi, Wonyong; Yoon, Ho Il; Min, Dae Wi; Christopher S. Blaszczak-Boxe; Carlos A. Cuevas; Alfonso Saiz-Lopez; Masanori Okumura; Akihiro Yabushita
- 25
Spatial and temporal variabilities of spring Asian dust events and their impacts on chlorophyll-a concentrations in the western North Pacific Ocean
Yoon, Joo-Eun; Kim, Kitae; Macdonald, Alison M.; Park, Ki-Tae; Kim, Hyun-cheol; Yoo, Kyu-Cheul; Yoon, Ho Il; Yang, Eun Jin; Jung, Jinyoung; Lim, Jae-Hyun; Kim, Ju-Hyoung; Lee, Jiyoung; Choi, Tae-Jun; Song, Jae-Min; Kim, Il-Nam
- 26
Glacial geomorphology of the northwestern Weddell Sea, eastern Antarctic Peninsula continental shelf: Shifting ice flow patterns during deglaciation
동부 남극반도 북서 웨델해의 빙하 지형: 해빙기 동안 움직이는 빙하흐름 패턴
Jennifer M. Campo; Yoo, Kyu-Cheul; Caroline Lavoie; Eugene Domack; Julia S. Wellner
- 27
Spatial and temporal variabilities of spring Asian dust events and their impacts on chlorophyll-a concentrations in the western North Pacific Ocean
북서태평양에서의 봄철 황사의 공간적, 시간적 변동성과 황사가 클로로필 a 농도에 미치는 영향
Yoon, Joo-Eun; Kim, Il-Nam; Song, Jae-Min; Choi, Tae-Jun; Lee, Jiyoung; Kim, Ju-Hyoung; Lim, Jae-Hyun; Jung, Jinyoung; Yang, Eun Jin; Yoon, Ho Il; Yoo, Kyu-Cheul; Kim, Hyun-cheol; Park, Ki-Tae; Alison M. Macdonald; Kim, Kitae