2018-2018, Ocean-to-Ice Interactions in Amundsen Sea: Ice shelf melting and its impact on ocean processes (18-18) / Kim, Tae-Wan
- Project Code
- PE18060
- Project Name (Other)
- 아문젠 빙붕소멸 속도와 해양변동 추세 연구
- Principal Investigator
- Kim, Tae-Wan
- Proejct Period
- 2018-2018
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Browse "2018-2018, Ocean-to-Ice Interactions in Amundsen Sea: Ice shelf melting and its impact on ocean processes (18-18) / Kim, Tae-Wan" by Title
Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
- 1
Amundsen Sea Specific Ecosystem Model: Results of The Lower-Trophic Level
아문젠해 특성화 생태계 모델: 하위 생태계 재현 결과
Kwon, Young Shin; Kwon, Young Shin; Yang, Eun Jin; Jung, Jinyoung; Lee, Youngju; Kim, Tae-Wan; Lee, SangHoon
- 2
Amundsen Sea Specific Ecosystem Model: Results of the Lower-trophic Level
Kwon, Young Shin; La, Hyoung Sul; Kang, Hyoun-Woo; Arrigo, Kevin; Jung, Jinyoung; Lee, Youngju; Kim, Tae-Wan; Lee, SangHoon
- 3
Collection of large benthic invertebrates in sediment traps in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica
남극 아문젠해에서 퇴적물 트랩을 활용한 대형 저서 무척추 동물 채집.
Kim, Minkyoung; Yang, Eun Jin; Kim, Hyung Jeek; Kim, Dongseon; Kim, Tae-Wan; La, HyoungSul; Lee, Sang Hoon; Hwang, Jeomshik
- 4
Comparisons of Circumpolar Deep Water variability in the Amundsen Sea between simulation and observations
아문젠해 환남극심층수 모델 관측 비교
Park, Taewook; Kim, Tae-Wan; Cho, Kyoung-Ho; Lee, SangHoon
- 5
Getz Ice Shelf melt enhanced by freshwater discharge from beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
서남극 빙붕하부 담수 배출 증가로 인한 갯츠빙붕 융해의 강화
Wei, Wei; Blankenship, Donald D.; Greenbaum, Jamin S.; Gourmelen, Noel; Dow, Christine F.; Richter, Thomas G.; Greene, Chad A.; Young, Duncan A.; Lee, SangHoon; Kim, Tae-Wan; Lee, Won Sang; Assmann, Karen M.
- 6
Heat transport and outflowing meltwater in front of Dotson ice shelf
아문젠 해 Dotson 빙붕에서 열 수송과 융빙수 유출에 대한 연구
Yang, Heewon; Kim, Tae-Wan; Kim, Yeonggi
- 7
Interannual Climate Variability in the Amundsen Sea Embayment in Ocean Re-analysis Data
해양재분석자료를 이용한 아문젠해 기후변동성
Park, Taewook; Kim, Tae-Wan; Cho, Kyoung-Ho; Lee, SangHoon
- 8
Interannual variability of Circumpolar Deep Water in the Amundsen Sea: Model and Observation
남극 아문젠해 환남극심층수 경년변동성: 아라온 관측 및 해양모델 활용
Park, Taewook; Kim, Tae-Wan; Cho, Kyoung-Ho; Lee, SangHoon
- 9
Research report
Microbial ecology and biogeochemistry associated with sea-ice melting in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica
아문젠해 빙붕소멸과 연관된 미생물 생태/생지화학
- 10
Observations of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current Over the Udintsev Fracture Zone, the Narrowest Choke Point in the Southern Ocean
남극해 우딘체프에서의 남극순환류의 관측
Park, Y-H; Park, T.; Kim, Tae-Wan; Lee, Sang H.; Hong, C-S; Lee, J-H; Rio, M-H; Pujol, M-I; Ballarotta, M.; Durand, I.; Provost, C.
- 11
Oceanic exchanges at the Dotson Ice Shelf calving front, West Antarctica
서남극 아문젠해 닷슨빙붕에서의 해양 열 교환
Kim, Tae-Wan; Yang, Heewon; Ha, Ho Kyung; Kim, Chang-Sin; Cho, Kyoung-Ho; Wahlin, Anna K.; Park, Taewook; Lee, SangHoon; Jenkins, Adrian; Dutrieux, Pierre; Jacobs, Stan; Cho, Yang-Ki
- 12
Polynya formation and its associated chlorophyll-a variability in Antarctica
남극 폴리냐 형성과 그에 따른 엽록소 변동에 관한 연구
Park, Jisoo; Shin, Edward K.; Ko, Eunho; Lee, SangHoon; Park, Taewook
- 13
Production of tyrosine-like fluorescence and labile chromophoric dissolved organic matter (DOM) and low surface accumulation of low molecular weight-dominated DOM in a productive Antarctic sea
생물생산성이 높은 남극해에서의 트리오신 형광, 생물분해 가능한 용존 유기물의 생성 및 저분자 용존 유기물의 표층에서의 낮은 축적
Chen, Meilian; Jung, Jinyoung; Lee, Yun Kyung; Kim, Tae-Wan; Hur, Jin
- 14
Research trend in Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica
서남극 아문젠해 연구동향
- 15
Seasonal variability of ocean circulation near the Dotson Ice Shelf
닷슨빙붕 전면 해양순환의 계절변동성
- 16
Sinking particle flux and composition at three sites of different annual sea ice cover in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica
남극 아문젠해 연간 해빙분포가 다른 세 개 정점에서의 침강입자 플럭스 및 조성
Kim, Minkyoung; Yang, Eun Jin; Kim, Dongseon; Jeong, Jin-Hyun; Kim, Hyung J.; Park, Jisoo; Jung, Jinyoung; Ducklow, Hugh W.; Lee, Sang Hoon; Hwang, Jeomshik
- 17
Study of Heat input and glacial melting in Amundsen sea
Dotson Ice Shelf 에서 heat transport와 glacial melting 에 관한 연구
Yang, Heewon; Kim, Tae-Wan; Kim, Yeonggi; Lee, SangHoon
- 18
Trophic interactions of micro- and mesozooplankton in the Amundsen Sea polynya and adjacent sea ice zone during austral late summer
아문젠해 폴리니아와 주변해빙역에서 소형 및 중형 동물플랑크톤의 영양관계
Yang, Eun Jin; Lee, Younjoo; Lee, Sang H.
- 19
Warm Circumpolar Deep Water at the Western Getz Ice Shelf Front, Antarctica
남극 갯츠빙붕에서의 고온 남극순환심층수
Assmann, K. M.; Darelius, E.; Wahlin, A. K.; Kim, Tae-Wan; Lee, Sang H.