2018-2019, Investigating Cryospheric Evolution of the Victoria Land, Antarctica -ICE- (18-19) / Lee, Won Sang
- Project Code
- PM18020
- Project Name (Other)
- 장보고기지 주변 빙권변화 진단, 원인규명 및 예측
- Principal Investigator
- Lee, Won Sang
- Proejct Period
- 2018-2019
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Browse "2018-2019, Investigating Cryospheric Evolution of the Victoria Land, Antarctica -ICE- (18-19) / Lee, Won Sang" by Issue Date
Showing results 1 to 20 of 27
- 1
Research report
Ross Sea Hydrophone Triad Arrays
로스해 수중음향관측
- 2
Research report
Characterization of hydrological network underneath icenear the Victoria Land, Antarctica
장보고 기지 주변 빙하 하부 수문계측망 특성 규명
- 3
Research report
Development of Magnetotelluric exploration technique for polarenvironment
극지 자기지전류 탐사기술 개발
- 4
Research report
Assessment of Post Glacial Rebound in Antarctica
해수면 상승 예측을 위한 후빙기 지각 융기 모델 검증
- 5
Research report
Final report "Investigating Cryospheric Evolution of the Victoria Land, Antarctica"
장보고기지 주변 빙권변화 진단, 원인규명 및 예측 연구 사업 최종보고서
- 6
Effects of the Convective Triggering Process in a Cumulus Parameterization Scheme on the Diurnal Variation of Precipitation over East Asia
적운 모수화의 대류 시작 기작이 동아시아 강수 일변화 변동성에 미치는 효과
Han, Ji-Young; Kim, So-Young; Choi, In-Jin; Jin, Emilia Kyung
- 7
Accelerated global warming and implications of the IPCC Special Report on 1.5°C
지구온난화와 IPCC 특별보고서의 의의
- 8
Hydroacoustic monitoring in Terra Nova Bay, Ross sea, Antarctica
남극 로스해 테라노바만 수중음향 관측
Yun, Sukyoung; Lee, Won Sang; Dziak, Robert P.; Haxel, Joeseph H.; Lee, Jiyeon; Yoon, Seung-Tae
- 9
The properties of glacial meltwater and sea water isotopes in the Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica
남극 테라노바만 해수와 융빙수 동위원소의 특성
Yoo, Hyeonju; Lee, Won Sang; Lee, Jeonghoon; Yun, Sukyoung; Yoon, Seung-Tae; Jang, Gwang Il; Hwang, Chung Yeon; Lee, Jiyeon
- 10
Prokaryote community structures of Terra Nova Bay in Ross Sea (Antarctica)
남극 테라노바 만의 원핵생물 군집 구조에 대한 중장기 변동성 연구
Lee, Inae; Hwang, Chung Yeon; Jang, Gwang Il; Yoon, Seung-Tae; Yun, Sukyoung; Lee, Jiyeon; Lee, Won Sang
- 11
Installation and operation of Ocean Bottom Seismometer in The Ross Sea, Antarctica
남극 로스해 지체구조 활동과 빙권변화 관측을 위한 해저면지진계 설치 및 운용
Lee, Jiyeon; Yun, Sukyoung; Lee, MinGyu; Park, Yongcheol; Lee, Won Sang
- 12
Modelling transient subglacial water flow beneath Campbell Glacier, Antarctica
남극 캠벨빙하 하부 빙저지하수 수문망 변동성 모델 연구
Lee, Seung Hyoun; Lee, Choon-Ki; Lee, Won Sang; Park, In-Woo; Dow, Christine
- 13
Climate Change and Cryospheric Modeling
기후변화와 극지 빙권모델링
- 14
Future projections of Antarctic ice shelf melting and global sea level rise
남극빙상 용융과 해수면 상승 미래 예측
Jin, Emilia Kyung; Kim, Taekyun; Na, Ji Sung; Park, In-Woo; Lee, Won Sang
- 15
Numerical simulation of ocean - ice shelf interaction: Water mass circulation in the Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica
해양-빙붕 상호작용 수치실험: 남극 테라노바 베이의 해양순환
Kim, Taekyun; Jin, Emilia Kyung; Na, Ji Sung; Lee, Won Sang
- 16
Study on the heat transfer in the ice chelf cavity based on LES model
LES 모델 기반 남극 빙붕 하부 열전달특성 연구
Na, Jisung; Jin, Emilia Kyung; Kim, Taekyun; Lee, Won Sang
- 17
Numerical modeling of lower boundary layer in the ice shelf cavity
수치해석을 통한 빙붕 하부 경계층의 특성 연구
Na, Ji Sung; Jin, Emilia Kyung; Lee, Won Sang
- 18
The impact of the ice-ocean interaction on the future projection of global sea level rise
미래 해수면변동에서 빙상-해양 상호작용의 효과
Jin, Emilia Kyung; Park, In-Woo; Kim, Taekyun; Na, Ji Sung; Lee, Won Sang
- 19
Numerical modeling of water mass circulation and variability in the Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica
남극 테라노바 베이의 해양 순환 및 변동성 수치모델링
Kim, Taekyun; Jin, Emilia Kyung; Na, Ji Sung; Lee, Won Sang
- 20
Spatio-temporal variations in salinity of seawater in the Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica
남극 테라노바 만 해수 염분의 시공간적 변화
Yoon, Seung-Tae; Lee, Won Sang; Yun, Sukyoung; Lee, Jiyeon; Jang, Gwang Il; Hwang, Chung Yeon; Park, Yongcheol; Nam, Sung-Hyun