2019-2019, Based Research on International Joint Drilling for Reconstructing Evolution and Glacial History of the Arctic Ocean (19-19) / Nam, Seung-il
- Project Code
- PE19350
- Project Name (Other)
- 북극해 진화 및 빙하역사 복원을 위한 국제공동해저시추 기반연구
- Principal Investigator
- Nam, Seung-il
- Proejct Period
- 2019-2019
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Browse "2019-2019, Based Research on International Joint Drilling for Reconstructing Evolution and Glacial History of the Arctic Ocean (19-19) / Nam, Seung-il" by Title
Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
- 1
Changes of sedimentary mineral composition in the Makarov Basin for the last ~1 Ma
서북극해 마카로프 분지의 최근 1백만년 동안 퇴적물의 광물 조성 변화
Park, Kwangkyu; Nam, Seung-il; Kim, Jung-Hyun; Khim, Boo-Keun; Vogt, Christoph; Polyak, Leonid
- 2
Collapses of The Northwestern Sector of The Laurentide Ice Sheet During The Last Glaciation Constrained by Ramped Pyrolysis 14c Sediment Dating in The Western Arctic Ocean
서북극해 Ramped Pyrolysis 유기타소 연대분석을 기반으로한 마지막 빙하작용 동안의 북서부 로렌타이드 빙상의 붕괴
Suzuki, Kenta; Yamamoto, Masanobu; Polyak, Leonid; Nam, Seung-il; Rosenheim, Brad; Omori, Takayuki; Irino, Tomohisa; Yamanaka, Toshiro
- 3
Cyclostratigraphic age constraining for Quaternary sediments in the Makarov Basin of the western Arctic Ocean using manganese variability
서북극해 마카로프 분지의 망간 변동성을 이용한 제4기 연대층서 정립
Park, Kwangkyu; Kim, Jung-Hyun; Asahi, Hirofumi; Polyak, Leonid; Khim, Boo-Keun; Schreck, Michael; Niessen, Frank; Kong, Gee-Soo; Nam, Seung-il
- 4
Cyclostratigraphic age constraining for Quaternary sediments in the Makarov Basin of the western Arctic Ocean using manganese variability
망간 변화를 이용한 서부극 마카로프분지의 제4기 연대주기층서 연구
Park, Kwangkyu; Kim, Junghyun; Asahi, Hirofumi; Polyak, Leonid; Khim, Boo-Keun; Schreck, Michael; Niessen, Frank; Kong, Gee Soo; Nam, Seung-il
- 5
Late Quaternary depositional and glacial history of the Arliss Plateau off the East Siberian margin in the western Arctic Ocean
서북극 동시베리아 주변부에 위치한 앨리스대지의 후기제4기 퇴적 및 빙하역사
Joe, Young Jin; Polyak, Leonid; Schreck, Michael; Niessen, Frank; Yoon, Seok-Hoon; Nam, Seung-il
- 6
Late Quaternary depositional and glacial history of the Arliss Plateau off the East Siberian margin in the western Arctic Ocean
후기 제4기 서북극 동시베리아 해역 앨리스 대지(고원)의 퇴적환경 및 빙하역사
Joe, Young Jin; Polyak, Leonid; Schreck, Michael; Niessen, Frank; Yoon, Seok Hoon; Kong, Gee Soo; Nam, Seung-il
- 7
Late Quaternary litho- and seismic stratigraphy of the Chukchi abyssal plain of the western Arctic Ocean
서북극 척치 심해저평원의 후기 제4기 암층서 및 탄성파층서
Joe, Young Jin; Nam, Seung-il; Polyak, Leonid; Niessen, Frank; Schreck, Michael; Kong, Gee Soo; Yoon, Seok Hoon
- 8
Mineralogy and geochemistry of glaciomarine sediment cores from the Eastern Arctic Ocean during the last 200 ka
지난 20만년에 걸친 동북극해 빙해양 퇴적물코어의 광물 및 지화학
Chang, Se-Won; Vogt, Christoph; Nam, Seung-il; Stein, Ruediger; Matthiessen, Jens
- 9
Paleoenvironmental changes based on biomarker in the northern Chukchi Sea during the Holocene
홀로세 북부 척치해 생지표자를 기반으로한 고환경 변화
Park, Yu-Hyeon; Yamamoto, Masanobu; Polyak, Leonid; Nam, Seung-il
- 10
Participated in IOP drilling with Araon in Lomonosov
북극해 로모노소프해령 국제공동해저시추 및 아라온 참여
Nam, Seung-il; Stein, Ruediger
- 11
Why did the Laurentide Ice Sheet start to build up at 50 ka
로렌타이드 빙상은 왜 5만년 전 성장하기 시작하였는가?
Woo, Kyung Sik; Nam, Seung-il; Jang, Kwangchul; Ji, Hyoseon; Kim, Jin Kyung; Kim, Kyoung Ja; Kim, Jung-Hyun; Mackensen, Andreas; Stein, Ruediger; Matthiessen, Jens; Lohmann, Geritt