2020-2020, Ecophysiology of KGI terrestrial organisms to reveal mechanisms of adaptation to changing environment (20-20) / Lee, Hyoungseok
- Project Code
- PE20170
- Project Name (Other)
- 환경변화에 따른 킹조지섬 육상생물의 생리생태 반응 규명
- Principal Investigator
- Lee, Hyoungseok
- Proejct Period
- 2020-2020
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Browse "2020-2020, Ecophysiology of KGI terrestrial organisms to reveal mechanisms of adaptation to changing environment (20-20) / Lee, Hyoungseok" by Issue Date
Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
- 1
Occurrence, distribution, and bioaccumulation of new and legacy persistent organic pollutants in an ecosystem on King George Island, maritime Antarctica
킹조지섬 생태계의 기존 및 신규 잔류성유기오염물질의 분포와 생물농축
Kim, Jun-Tae; Choi, Yun-Jeong; Barghi, Mandana; Kim, Jeong-Hoon; Jung, Jin-Woo; Kim, Kitae; Kang, Jung-Ho; Lammel, Gerhard; Chang, Yoon-Seok
- 2
Diversity and Physiological Characteristics of Antarctic Lichens-Associated Bacteria
남극 지의류 유래 세균의 다양성과 생리 특성
Noh, Hyun-Ju; Park, Yerin; Hong, Soon Gyu; Lee, Yung Mi
- 3
Improvement of moss photosynthesis by humic acids from Antarctic tundra soil
남극연안 토양 부식질의 이끼 광합성 촉진 효과
Byun, Mi Young; Kim, Dockyu; Youn, Ui Joung; Lee, Seulah; Lee, Hyoungseok
- 4
Involvement of laccase-like enzymes in humic substance degradation by diverse polar soil bacteria
극지토양 미생물에 의한 부식질 분해과정에서 Laccase 효소의 역할 규명
Park, Ha Ju; Lee, Yung Mi; Do, Hackwon; Lee, Jun Hyuck; Kim, Eungbin; Lee, Hyoungseok; Kim, Dockyu
- 5
Soil water content as a critical factor for stable bacterial community structure and degradative activity in maritime Antarctic soil
남극 툰드라 토양수분함량이 미생물의 군집구성과 분해활성에 미치는 영향 연구
Kim, Dockyu; Chae, Namyi; Kim, Mincheol; Nam, Sungjin; Kim, Eungbin; Lee, Hyoungseok
- 6
Hydrogeological characteristics of groundwater and surface water associated with two small lake systems on King George Island, Antarctica
남극 킹조지섬 두 개 호수 지하수의 수문학적 특성 비교
Kim, Jisun; Jeen, Sung-Wook; Lim, Hyoun Soo; Lee, Jeonghoon; Kim, Ok-Sun; Lee, Hyoungseok; Hong, Soon Gyu
- 7
Hispidopannaria and Phormopsora, two new and small, but evolutionary old Pannariaceae lichen genera from southern South America
Hispidopannaria and Phormopsora, 남부 남미지역에 서식하는 두개의 새로운 지의류속
Elvebakk, Arve; Hong, Soon Gyu; Park, Chae Haeng
- 8
Lichenicola cladoniae gen. nov., sp. nov., a member of the family Acetobacteraceae isolated from an Antarctic lichen
남극 지의류에서 분리된 Acetobacteraceae과에 속하는 Lichenicola cladoniae의 신속, 신종 보고 및 다상 분류 연구
Noh, Hyun-Ju; Shin, Seung Chul; Park, Yerin; Choi, Ahyoung; Baek, Kiwoon; Hong, Soon Gyu; Cho, Yong-Joon; Lee, Hyoungseok; Lee, Yung Mi
- 9
Psoroma capense and P. esterhuyseniae (Pannariaceae), two new alpine species from South Africa
남아프리카 유래의 신종지의류 Psoroma capense와 P. esterhuyseniae
Elvebakk, Arve; Hong, Soon Gyu; Park, Chae Haeng; Rama, Teppo
- 10
Time-Lapse Electrical Resistivity Structures for the Active Layer of Permafrost Terrain at the King Sejong Station: Correlation Interpretation with Vegetation and Meteorological Data
세종과학기지 주변 영구동토의 활동층에 대한 시간경과 전기비저항자료의 해석: 기상 및 식생 자료와의 연계해석
Kim, KwanSoo; Lee, Joohan; Lee, Eungsang; Ju, Hyeon Tae; Hyun, Chang-Uk; Park, Sang-Jong; Kim, Ok-Sun; Lee, Sun-Joong; Kim, Ji-Soo
- 11
Complete mitochondrial genome of the snow petrel, Pagodroma nivea
흰풀마갈매기의 지놈분석
Kim, Jong-U; Kim, Jeong-Hoon
- 12
Integrative description of a new Dactylobiotus (Eutardigrada: Parachela) from Antarctica that reveals an intraspecific variation in tardigrade egg morphology
남극 신종 완보동물 Dactylobiotus ovimutans 기재를 통한 알 형태의 종내 다양성에 대한 연구
Kim, Ji-Hoon; Kim, Sanghee; McInnes, Sandra J.; Zawierucha, Krzysztof; Rho, Hyun Soo; Kang, Pil-Mo; Park, Tae-Yoon S.
- 13
Draft Genome Sequence of the Psychrotolerant Bacterium Methylobacterium sp. Strain BTF04, Isolated from Freshwater in Antarctica
남극 담수에서 배양된 Methylobacterium sp. BTF04 저온세균의 유전체 초안
Cho, Ahnna; Cho, Yong-Joon; Kim, Soyeon; Kim, Ok-Sun
- 14
Study of Ecophysiological Responses of the Antarctic Fruticose Lichen Cladonia borealis Using the PAM Fluorescence System under Natural and Laboratory Conditions
PAM 형광시스템을 이용한 남극지의류 Cladonia borealis의 자연 및 실험실조건의 생태생리학적 반응 연구
Cho, Sung Mi; Lee, Hyoungseok; Hong, Soon Gyu; Lee, Jungeun
- 15
Study Case of Active Layer related to Snow Drifts using Electrical Resistivity Survey in the Permafrost Region
전기비저항탐사를 이용한 적설에 따른 동토 및 활동층의 변화 연구
Kim, KwanSoo; Lee, Joohan; Ju, Hyeon Tae; Lee, Eungsang; Kim, Ji-soo