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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
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Research report
A Planning study on the method development of nanoplastics and its global distribution
나노플라스틱 분석법 개발과 전지구적 분포 기획연구
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Research report
Ross Sea as a site of multidisciplinary international research to understand the role and sensitivity of the Antarctic in connection with the global system
지구환경변화에 대한 남극의 반응과 취약성
Shin, Hyoung Chul
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Research report
Studies on basic ice chemistry and its applicarions
화학적 변환의 새로운 매질로서의 얼음의 연구와 응용
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Research report
KOPRI-NPI Collaboration for the understanding of pollutants fate in Arctic
북극 환경오염물질 거동 이해를 위한 KOPRI-NPI 공동연구
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Research report
A planning research making an RFP for integrated monitoring systems of glacier, weather and ecology
‘빙하?대기?생태계 관측을 위한 통합 계측 시스템 개발’ 제안요청서 작성을 위한 기획 연구
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First Cenozoic glaciers in West Antarctica
서남극 최초의 Cenozoic 빙하의 발달의 증거
Andrzei Gazdzicki; Andrzei Solecki; Krzysztof Birkenmajer; Ho Il Yoon; Andrzej Tatur; Andrzei Przybycin; Krzysztof Krajewski
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Geochemical characteristics and the provenance of sediments in the Bransfield Strait, West Antarctica
Park, Byoung-Kwon; Kim, Yeadong; Jwa, Young-Joo; Lee, Jae Il; Yoo, Kyu-Cheul; Yoon, Ho Il
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Late Quaternary paleoceanographic change in the South Scotia Sea, northern Antarctic Peninsula.
남극반도 북부 남 스코티아 해의 제4기 후기 동안의 고해양 변동
Yoon, Ho Il; Park, Byoung-Kwon; Kim, Yeadong; OH, JAE KYUNG; Yoo, Kyu-Cheul; Nam, SangHeon
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Geochemistry of soils of King George Island, South Shetlands,West Antarctica: Implications for pedogenesis in cold regions
서남극 남쉐틀랜드 군도와 킹조지 섬의 토양의 조성: 극지방 에서의 토양화작용에 대한 의의
Lee, Yong Il; Yoon, Ho Il; Lim, Hyoun Soo
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서남극 맥스웰만에서 산출된 홀로세 규조 연구
서남극 맥스웰만에서 산출된 홀로세 규조 연구
Lee, Jong-Deock; Bak, Young-Suk; YUN, HYE SU; Yoon, Ho Il
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Wind- and Rain-induced Variations of Water Column Structures and Dispersal Pattern of Suspended articulate Matter (SPM) in Marian Cove, the South Shetland Islands, West Antarctica during the Austral Summer 2000
서남극 남 쉐틀랜드 군도 마리안 소만에서 바람 및 강수에 의한 여름철 수층 구조의 변화와 부유물질 분산
OH, JAE KYUNG; Kim, Yeadong; Bae, Sung-Ho; Kang, Cheon Yoon; Yoon, Ho Il; Yoo, Kyu-Cheul
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Paleoenvironmental research of the Antarctic Core Sediment from the Antarctic Polar Front in Drake Passage, based on Diatom assemblage
남극 드레이크 해협 극전선 부근 시추 퇴적물(DP00-02)에서 규조 화석을 이용한 고환경 연구
Lee, Jong-Deock; Bak, Young-Suk; YUN, HYE SU; Yoon, Ho Il