2015-2018, Changes in environments and coastal geomorphology of Svalbard fjords, Arctic (15-18) / Nam, Seung-il
- Project Code
- PN15090; PN16090; PN17090
- Project Name (Other)
- 북극 스발바르 피오르드 지형변화연구
- Principal Investigator
- Nam, Seung-il
- Proejct Period
- 2015-2018
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Browse "2015-2018, Changes in environments and coastal geomorphology of Svalbard fjords, Arctic (15-18) / Nam, Seung-il" by Title
Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
- 1
Accelerated redox reaction between chromate and phenolic pollutants during freezing
동결에 의한 중금속과 유기오염물질의 동시제거 메카니즘 규명
Kim, Kitae; Kim, Jaesung; Lee, Changha; Seo, Jiwon; Dominik Heger; Lubica Vetrakova; Kim, Jungwon; Ju, Jinjung; Yoon, Ho Il
- 2
Activation of Periodate by Freezing for the Degradation of Aqueous Organic Pollutants
과요오드산과 동결을 이용한 유기오염물질 분해 연구
Yoon, Ho Il; Kim, Jungwon; Kim, Kitae; Dominik Heger; Lubica Vetrakova; Lee, Changha; Choi, Yejin
- 3
Research report
Characterization of geomorphologic variability of Kongsfjorden and Isfjorden in Svalbard
스발바르 콩스 및 이스 피오르드 지형 변동성 특성화 연구
- 4
Distribution of pelagic phytoplankton-derived lipid biomarkers along a transect from the East Sea to the Bering Sea : insights into their suitability as open-water indicators
동해-베링해 횡단구간 부유식물플랑크톤 기원의유기분자생체지표 분포: PIP25 인덱스 사용 시 대양 환경지시자로서의 적합성 검토
Gal, Jong-Ku; Shin, Kyung-Hoon; Nam, Seung-il; Simon T. Belt; Ha, Sun-Yong; Lukas Smik; Kim, Junghyun
- 5
Evidence for ice-free summers in the late Miocenecentral Arctic Ocean
Ruediger Stein; Gerrit Lohmann; Wilfried Jokat; Jens Matthiessen; Achim Kopf; Michael Kaminski; Laura Jensen; Catalina Gebhardt; Matthias Forwick; Frank Niessen; Gregor Knorr; SSchreck, Michael; Kirsten Fahl
- 6
Freezing-enhanced reduction of chromate by nitrite
얼음화학반응으로 향상된 아질산염의 산화반응과 독성 6가크롬의 환원반응
Kim, Kitae; Kim, Jungwon; Ju, Jinjung; Chung, Hyun Young
- 7
High abundance of protein-like fluorescence in the Amerasian Basin of Arctic Ocean: Potential implication of a fall phytoplankton bloom
북극 아메라시아 분지에서 고동노의 단백질 유사 형상물질: 가을 식물성 플랑크톤 번성의 잠재적 의미
Meilian Chen; Hur, Jin; Shin, Kyung-Hoon; Jung, Jinyoung; Hong, Sungwook; Kwon, Young-Joo; Kim, Ji-Hun; Nam, Seung-il
- 8
Holocene dynamics in the Bering Strait inflow to the Arctic and the Beaufort Gyre circulation based on sedimentary records from the Chukchi Sea
척치해 퇴적물에서 북극해로 유입되는 베링해 수괴와 보퍼트 환류순화의 홀로세 역학
M. Yamamoto; K. Shimada; T. Irino; K. Suzuki; D. Kobayash; L.Polyak; Nam, Seung-il
- 9
Holocene environmental changes from Dicksonfjorden sediments of western Spitsbergen, Arctic Svalbard
북극 스발바르 군도 딕슨 피오르드 퇴적물을 이용한 홀로세 환경변화 복원 연구
Joo, YoungJi; Yoo, Kyu-Cheul; Nam, Seung-il; Son, Yeong-Ju; Park, Kwangkyu; Joe, Young Jin
- 10
Holocene variability in sea ice cover, primary production, and Pacific-Water inflow and climate change in the Chukchi and East Siberian Seas (Arctic Ocean)
북극 척치 및 동시베리아 해에서 홀로세 해빙분포, 생산력 및 태평양수 유입변화와 기후변화
R. Stein; Nam, Seung-il; F. Niessen; S. Wassmuth; A. Manerung; I. Schade; K. Fahl
- 11
Inference on Paleoclimate Change Using Microbial Habitat Preference in Arctic Holocene Sediments
북극 홀로세 퇴적물에서 미생물 서식지 선호도를 이용한 고기후변화 추론
Dukki han; Hor-Gil Hur; Yu-Hyun Park; Joe, Young Jin; F. Niessen; R. Stein; Ji-Hoon Kim; Nam, Seung-il
- 12
Neogene dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs from the high northern latitudes and their relation to sea surface temperature
북극 고위도해역에서 산출되는 신제3기 와편모조류와 Acritarchs 화석과 표층수온 관련성연구
SSchreck, Michael; Jens Matthiessen; Matthias Forwick; Stijn De Schepper; Kirsten Fahl; Caroline Clotten; Nam, Seung-il
- 13
Trend in sea-ice extent in the Chukchi Sea over the last 140 years
북극 척치해에서 지난 140년 동안의 해빙 분포 경향 연구
Kim, Junghyun; Nam, Seung-il; Shin, Kyung-Hoon; Kim, D.; Simon T. Belt; Lukas Smik; Gal, Jong-Ku
- 14
Widespread Anthropogenic Nitrogen in Northwestern Pacific Ocean Sediment
북서태평양 퇴적물에 분포하는 광범위한 인류기원 질소
Kim, Haryun; Lee, Eunil; Shin, Kyung-Hoon; Ko, Young Ho; J.-Y. T. Yang; Kim, Tae-Wook; Nam, Seung-il; Lim, Dhong-il; Lee, Kitack