2019-2020, Investigation of submarine resource environment and seabed methane release in the Arctic (19-20) / Jin, Young Keun
- Project Code
- PM19050
- Project Name (Other)
- 북극해 해저자원환경 탐사 및 해저메탄방출현상 연구
- Principal Investigator
- Jin, Young Keun
- Proejct Period
- 2019-2020
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Browse "2019-2020, Investigation of submarine resource environment and seabed methane release in the Arctic (19-20) / Jin, Young Keun" by Issue Date
Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
- 1
Antarcticibacterium arcticum sp. nov., a bacterium isolated from marine sediment of the Canadian Beaufort Sea
캐나다 보포트해 해양 퇴적물에서 분리된 신종 Antarcticibacterium arcticum
Lee, Yung Mi; Baek, Kiwoon; Lee, Dong-Hun; Park, Yerin; Shin, Seung Chul; Jin, Young Keun
- 2
Upwarding gas source and postgenetic processes in the shallow sediments from the ARAON Mounds, Chukchi Sea
축치해 아라온 마운드의 얕은 퇴적물에서의 가스상승 및 후유전과정
Kim, Ji-Hoon; Hachikubo, Akihiro; Kida, Masato; Minami, Hirotsugu; Lee, Dong-Hun; Jin, Young Keun; Ryu, Jong-Sik; Lee, Yung Mi; Hur, Jin; Park, Myong-Ho; Kim, Young-Gyun; Kang, Moo-Hee; Park, Sanghee; Chen, Meilian; Kang, Seung-Goo; Kim, Sookwan
- 3
Complete genome sequence of Antarcticibacterium flavum JB01H24T from an Antarctic marine sediment
남극 해양퇴적물에서 분리된 Antarcticibacterium flavum JB01H24T의 전장 유전체
Lee, Yung Mi; Jin, Young Keun; Shin, Seung Chul
- 4
Bacterial endosymbiont of Oligobrachia sp. (Frenulata) from an active mud volcano in the Canadian Beaufort Sea
캐나다 보포트해 진흙 화산의 튜브웜 Oligobrachia sp.(Frenulata)의 공생세균
Lee, Yung Mi; Noh, Hyun-Ju; Lee, Dong-Hun; Kim, Junghyun; Jin, Young Keun; Paull, Charles
- 5
Chemosynthetic bacterial signatures in Frenulata tubeworm Oligobrachia sp. in an active mud volcano of the Canadian Beaufort Sea
캐나다 보퍼트해 mud volcano에서 서식하는 Frenulata tubeworm Oligobrachia sp.의 화학 합성 박테리아 특성
Lee, Dong-Hun; Kim, Junghyun; Lee, Yung Mi; Jin, Young Keun; Paull, Charles; Kim, Dahae; Shin, Kyung-Hoon
- 6
Chemical characteristics of submicron aerosols observed at the King Sejong Station in the northern Antarctic Peninsula from fall to spring
세종기지 봄철에 측정한 미세에어로솔의 화학특성
Lim, Saehee; Lee, Meehye; Rhee, Tae Siek
- 7
Surprisingly Not-So-Big Emission of the CH4 from the Arctic Ocean Based on Decadal Observations Onboard the Korean Ice Breaker, R/V Araon
한국 최초 쇄빙연구선 아라온 관측으로 보여준 너무나 평범한 북극해메탄 방출
- 8
Modest Emission of The CH4 from the Western Arctic Ocean
서북극해로부터 너무나 평범한 메탄 방출
Rhee, Tae Siek; Kwon, Young Shin; Kim, Mi Seon; Dallimore, Scott R.; Paull, Charles K.; Jin, Young Keun
- 9
High-Resolution Seismic Stratigraphy, Glacigenic Sedimentary Processes and Seafloor Morphology in the Chukchi Rise (The Arctic Ocean): Preliminary Results
북극해 척치해저고원에서의 고해상도 탄성파 층서해석, 빙하기 퇴적 과정 및 해저지형 : 초기 결과
Kim, Sookwan; Kim, Hyung J.; Jung, Jinhoon; Choi, Yeonjin; Lee, MinGyu; Jang, UGeun; Kang, Seung-Goo; Hong, Jong Kuk; Jin, Young Keun
- 10
Velocity Model Building of Gas Hydrates BSR Using Elastic Full Waveform Inversion in the Canadian Beaufort Sea
탄성 완전파형역산을 이용한 캐나다 보퍼트해 가스하이드레이트 BSR에서의 속도모델 구축
Choi, Yeonjin; Kang, Seung-Goo; Jang, U Geun; Hong, Jong Kuk; Jin, Young Keun; Chung, Woo Keen; Shin, Sung-Ryul
- 11
Overview of the Araon's Arctic Marine Geoscience Expeditions
아라온의 북극 해양 지구물리탐사 개요
- 12
Geophysical Investigation of Gas Hydrate in the Chukchi Plateau, Arctic
북극 척치고원에서의 가스하이드레이트에 대한 지구물리조사
Kang, Seung-Goo; Jang, Ugeun; Kim, Sookwan; Choi, Yeonjin; Hong, Jong Kuk; Jin, Young Keun
- 13
Discriminative signatures of methanotrophic communities according to the chemosynthetic habitats at the active mud volcano of the Canadian Beaufort Sea
캐나다 보포트해 진흙화산에서 화학합성 서식처에 따른 메탄 산화 미생물 군집 구조의 차이
Lee, Yung Mi; Lee, Dong-Hun; Kim, Jung-Hyun; Jin, Young Keun; Kim, Ji-Hoon; Shin, Kyung-Hoon
- 14
Signatures of anaerobic methanotrophic communities in gas hydrate-bearing sediments of the Chukchi Sea
척치해 가스하이드레이트 함유 퇴적물에서 혐기적 메탄산화군집의 증거
Lee, Yung Mi; Cho, Yong-Joon; Lee, Dong-Hun; Kim, Ji-Hoon; Jin, Young Keun
- 15
Biogeochemical Signatures on Methane Oxidations in The Seafloor of The Arctic
북극해 해저층의 메탄 산화에 대한 생화학적 특성
Lee, Dong-Hun; Kim, Jung-Hyun; Lee, Yung Mi; Jin, Young Keun; Kyung-Hoon Shin
- 16
Estimating Net Community Production Using Dissolved InorganicCarbon Content in the Amundsen Sea Polynya, Antarctica
남극 아문젠해 폴리니아에서 용존무기탄소를 사용한 순군집생산량 추정
Kim, Mi Seon; Rhee, Tae Siek
- 17
Discriminative biogeochemical signatures of methanotrophs inhabiting different chemosynthetic fields in an active mud volcano of the Canadian Beaufort Sea
캐나다 보퍼트해 muc volcano에서 서식하는 methanotroph의 생지화학적 특성
Lee, Dong-Hun; Lee, Yung Mi; Kim, Jung-Hyun; Jin, Young Keun; Paull, Charles; Niemann, Helge; Kim, Ji-Hoon; Shin, Kyung-Hoon
- 18
Tracing terrestrial organic matter along the Mackenzie Trough in the Beaufort Sea
보퍼트해의 메켄지트로프에서의 육상기원 유기물 추적
Kim, Dahae; Kim, Jung-Hyun; Kang, Sujin; Park, Kwangkyu; Lee, Dong-Hun; Jin, Young Keun; Nam, Seung-il; Shin, Kyung-Hoon
- 19
Comparison of biogeochemical signals between a pingo-like feature and amud volcano in the Canadian Beaufort Sea
캐나다 보퍼트해에서 pingo-like feature와 mud volcano에서의 생지화학적 특성 비교 연구
Lee, DongHun; Kim, Jung-Hyun; Lee, Yung Mi; Jin, Young Keun; Paull, Charles; Shin, Kyung-Hoon
- 20
Identification of Subsea-Permafrost-Distribution on the Continental Shelf of the Canadian Beaufort Sea Using a Full Waveform Inversion Algorithm
완전파형역산 알고리즘을 이용한 캐나다 보퍼트해 대륙붕의 해저동토층 분포 확인
Kang, Seung-Goo; Hong, Jong Kuk; Duchesne, Mathiew J; Jang, Ugeun; Kim, Sookwan; Riedel, Michael; Dallimore, Scott R.; Paull, Charles K.; Shin, Changsoo; Jin, Hyojoon; Jin, Young Keun