Polar Academic Program
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Showing results 1 to 27 of 27
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Change in gene abundance in the nitrogen biogeochemical cycle with temperature and nitrogen addition in Antarctic soils
남극토양의 질소 생지화학적 순환에 있어서 미생물 군집 변화
Jung, Jaejoon; Yeom, Jinki; Kim, Jisun; Han, Jiwon; Lim, Hyoun Soo; Park, Hyun; Hyun, Seunghun; Park, Woojun
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Frozen assembly of gold nanoparticles for rapid analysis of antifreeze protein activity
금 나노 입자의 동결응집 반응을 이용한 결빙방지단백질의 활성 측정 방법 개발
Park, Ji-In; Lee, Jun Hyuck; Gwak, Yunho; Kim, Hak Jun; Jin, EonSeon; Kim, Young-Pil
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Impact of freshwater discharge from the Greenland ice sheet on North Atlantic climate variability
기후변화에 따른 그린랜드로부터의 담수 유입이 북대서양 기후변동성에 미치는 영향
An, Soon-Il; Kim, Hyerim; Kim, Baek-Min
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Putative Role of a Streptomyces coelicolor-Derived α-Mannosidase in Deglycosylation and Antibiotic Production
당 제거와 항생제 생산에서 스트렙토마이세스 유래 알파-만노시다제의 역할
Rajesh, Thangamani; Jeon, Jong-Min; Song, Eunjung; Park, Hae-Min; Seo, Hyung Min; Kim, Hyun-Joong; Yi, Da-Hye; Kim, Yong-Hyun; Choi, Kwon-Young; Kim, Yun-Gon; Park, Hyung-Yeon; Lee, Yoo Kyung; Yang, Yung-Hun
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MALDI-MS-Based Quantitative Analysis for Ketone Containing Homoserine Lactones in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Pseudomonas aeruginosa의 ketone containinghomoserine lactones MALDI-MS-기반 정량분석법
Kim, Yoon-Woo; Sung, Changmin; Lee, Seulee; Kim, Kyoung-Jin; Yang, Yung-Hun; Kim, Byung-Gee; Lee, Yoo Kyung; Ryu, Hee Wook; Kim, Yun-Gon
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A Review on the Application of Stable Water Vapor Isotope Data to the Water Cycle Interpretation
수증기안정동위원소의 물순환 해석에의 적용에 대한 고찰
Lee, Jeonghoon; Han, Yeongcheol; Koh, Dong-Chan; Kim, Songie; Na, Un-Sung
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Occurrence of Legacy and New Persistent Organic Pollutants in Avian Tissues from King George Island, Antarctica
남극 킹조지섬의 조류에서 나타난 잔류성유기오염물질
Kim, Jun-Tae; Son, Min-Hui; Kang, Jung-Ho; Kim, Jeong-Hoon; Jung, Jin-Woo; Chang, Yoon-Seok
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Source identification and distribution reveals the potential of the geochemical Antarctic sea ice proxy IPSO25
Source identification and distribution reveals the potential of the geochemical Antarctic sea ice proxy IPSO25
Belt, S. T.; Smik, L.; Brown, A.; Kim, J. -H.; Rowland, S. J.; Allen, C. S.; Gal, J. -K.; Shin, K. -H.; Lee, Jae Il; Taylor, K. W. R.
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Differentiating between first-year and multiyear sea ice in the Arctic using microwave-retrieved ice emissivities
마이크로파로 분석된 북극 해빙의 다년빙과 1년빙의 구분 방법
Lee, Sang-Moo; Sohn, Byung-Ju; Kim, Seong-Joong
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Measurement of 137Cs in Ice Core Samples from Antarctica
남극 빙하코어에서 137Cs 측정
S. I. Lim; D. H. Kim; J. Y. Huh; J. Lee; I. S. Hahn; Han, Yeongcheol; Hur, Soon Do; Hwang, Heejin; W. G. Kang; Y. D. Kim; E. K. Lee; M. H. Lee
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Progressive Degradation of an Ice Rumple in the Thwaites Ice Shelf, Antarctica, as Observed from High-Resolution Digital Elevation Models
고해상도 디지털 고도모델로 관측한 남극 쓰웨이트 빙붕 아이스럼플의 접진적인 감소
김승희; 김덕진; Kim, Hyun-cheol
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Grounding Line of Campbell Glacier in Ross Sea Derivedfrom High-Resolution Digital Elevation Model
고해상도 DEM을 활용한 로스해 Campbell 빙하의 지반접지선 추정
김승희; 김덕진; Kim, Hyun-cheol
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Surface water productivity and sediment transport by Bering Strait throughflow in the Chukchi Shelf (the western Arctic Ocean) during the Holocene
척치해 대륙붕의 홀로세 동안 표층수 생산성과 베링해협 유입수에 의한 퇴적물 수송
Khim, Boo-Keun; Lee, Mi Jung; Cho, Hyen Goo; Park, Kwangkyu
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Novel insights into the genetic diversity of Parafavella based on mitochondrial CO1 sequences
해양 규조류의 유전적 다양성 고찰
Jung, Jae-Ho; Moon, Ji Hye; Park, Kyung-Min; Kim, Sanghee; Dolan, John R.; Yang, Eun Jin
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From the High Arctic to the Equator: Do Soil Metagenomes Differ According to Our Expectations?
고위도 북극에서 적도까지: 토양 메타지놈은 우리의 예상과 다를까?
Kerfahi, Dorsaf; Tripathi, Binu Mani; Dong, Ke; Kim, Mincheol; Kim, Hyoki; Slik, J. W. Ferry; Go, Rusea; Adams, Jonathan M.
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Optimization of suspect and non-target analytical methods using GC/TOF for prioritization of emerging contaminants in the Arctic environment
비표적분석법을 이용한 북극 신규오염물질 분석법 최적화
Lee, Sunggyu; Kim, Kitae; Jeon, Junho; Moon, Hyo-Bang
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Hydrogeological characteristics of groundwater and surface water associated with two small lake systems on King George Island, Antarctica
남극 킹조지섬 두 개 호수 지하수의 수문학적 특성 비교
Kim, Jisun; Jeen, Sung-Wook; Lim, Hyoun Soo; Lee, Jeonghoon; Kim, Ok-Sun; Lee, Hyoungseok; Hong, Soon Gyu
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Effects of a Δ-9-fatty acid desaturase and a cyclopropane-fatty acid synthase from the novel psychrophile Pseudomonas sp. B14-6 on bacterial membrane properties
신규 저온균주 Pseudomonas sp. B14-6에서 유래한 Δ-9- 지방산불포화효소와 싸이클로프로판-지방산합성효소가 세균 막 특성에 끼치는 효과
Choi, Tae-Rim; Park, Ye-Lim; Song, Hun-Suk; Lee, Sun Mi; Park, Sol Lee; Lee, Hye Soo; Kim, Hyun-Joong; Bhatia, Shashi Kant; Gurav, Ranjit; Lee, Yoo Kyung; Sung, Changmin; Yang, Yung-Hun
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Carbon response of tundra ecosystems to advancing greenup and snowmelt in Alaska
알래스카 녹화 및 융설 조기화에 대한 동토 생태계의 탄소순환 반응
Kim, JiHyun; Kim, Yeonjoo; Zona, Donatella; Oechel, Walter; Park, Sang-Jong; Lee, Bang Yong; Yi, Yonghong; Erb, Angela; Schaaf, Crystal L.
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Anti-cancer effects of lucidadiol against malignant melanoma cells
lucidadiol 물질의 항암 효과 연구
Shin, Seong-Ah; Lee, Jun Seob; Joo, Byeong Jun; Ryu, Gyoungah; Han, Minjoo; Kim, Huiji; An, Jangeun; Koo, Man Hyung; Youn, Ui Joung; Lee, Jun Hyuck; Park, Hyun Ho; Lee, Chang Sup
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Factors affecting the subsurface aragonite undersaturation layer in the Pacific Arctic region
북극해 아라고나이트 불포화 수층에 미치는 요인 규명
모아라; 김동선; Yang, Eun Jin; Jung, Jinyoung; 고영호; Kang, Sung-Ho; Cho, Kyoung-Ho; Park, Keyhong; 김태욱
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Afrormosin exerts an anticancer effect via MAPK and AKT signaling pathways in B16F10 cells
Afrormosin 물질 처리 시 B16F10 melanoma cell 에서 MAPK 와 AKT 신호전달을 통한 함암활성 확인 연구
Kim, Huiji; Han, Minjoo; Shin, Seong-Ah; An, Jangeun; Ahn, Mi-Jeong; Lee, Jun Hyuck; Park, Hyun Ho; Lee, Chang Sup
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Icephobic Coating through a Self-Formed Superhydrophobic Surface Using a Polymer and Microsized Particles
고분자 및 초소수 입자를 사용하여 자체 형성된 초소수성 표면을 통한 아이스포빅 코팅
Moon, Chan Hui; Yasmeen, Sumaira; Park, Kiho; Gaiji, Houda; Chung, Changhyun; Kim, Hyoung-Kwon; Moon, Hyoung-Seok; Choi, Jang Wook; Lee, Han-Bo-Ram
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Impact of Sea Ice Melting on Summer Air-Sea CO2 Exchange in the East Siberian Sea
해빙이 동시베리아 여름철 대기-해양 CO2 플럭스에 미치는 영향
Mo, Ahra; Yang, Eun Jin; Kang, Sung-Ho; Kim, Dongseon; Lee, Kitack; Ko, Young Ho; Kim, Kitae; Kim, Tae-Wook
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Development of a broadband cavity-enhanced absorption spectrometer for simultaneous measurements of ambient NO3, NO2, and H2O
NO3, NO 및 H2O 동시 측정을 위한 광대역 공동 흡수 분광기의 개발
Nam, Woohui; Cho, Changmin; Perdigones, Begie; Rhee, Tae Siek; Min, Kyung-Eun
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Wistin Exerts an Anti-Inflammatory Effect via Nuclear Factor-κB and p38 Signaling Pathways in Lipopolysaccharide-Stimulated RAW264.7 Cells
식물유래 화합물인 Wistin의 Nuclear Factor-кB 와 p38 신호전달을 통한 항염증 활성 기작확인
An, Jangeun; Ryu, Gyoungah; Shin, Seong-Ah; Kim, Huiji; Ahn, Mi-Jeong; Lee, Jun Hyuck; Lee, Chang Sup
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Observation of spatial and temporal patterns of seasonal ground deformation in central Yakutia using time series InSAR data in the freezing season
동결기간 시계열 InSAR 데이터를 사용한 중앙 야쿠티아의 계절적 지면 변형의 시공간적 패턴 관찰
Jung, Yoon Taek; park, sangeun; Kim, Hyun-cheol